Wellbeing News

Mrs Charlotte Allan 

Student Wellbeing News

Harmony Week

Harmony Week is celebrated from the 18th March until 22nd March. Harmony Week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, and the successful integration of migrants into our community. Australia is one of the most successful multicultural countries in the world and we should celebrate this and work to maintain it. The message of Harmony Week is everyone belongs.  For more information please visit 



We’re proud of our diversity with 37 families speaking a language other than English in their homes. These include Portugese, French, Korean, Indonesian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Spanish, Mandarin, Iranic, Cantonese, Arabic, Greek, Cantonese, Polish, Italian and Telugu. 


On Thursday 21st of March our school will be celebrating Harmony Day. Each child will be given a piece of orange ribbon to wear, either on their wrist or in their hair to raise awareness

Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)

Week 6

STAY SAFE in the toilets by using the water and toilet paper appropriately

Week 7

HELP OTHERS in outdoor spaces  by seeking teachers’ help if required

Week 8

Act Responsibly in classroom spaces by following our digital technologies user agreement  

SMASH is our acronym for our school wide expectations; Stay Safe, Make a Difference, Act Responsibly, Show Respect and Help Others. 


Each week we have a whole school behaviour focus where we all work together to make an effort to act upon the behaviour. The students will learn about ways they can act upon this behaviour through role plays, drawings, conversations, dialogue and exploring examples as well as non-examples. 

Zones of Regulation  

As you would be aware from your child's level newsletter sent out at the beginning of the Term, we use 'Zones of Regulation' as part of our Wellbeing curriculum at St. Michael's. Please take a look at this video with your child as it may be helpful to use at home too when your child is unregulated. 


Please reach out if you have any further questions or if I can support you or your child in any way callan@smashburton.catholic.edu.au