From the Office 

News From the Principal

Welcome to Term 2

And just like that... the first term break is over. 

Term 2 promises to be a busy one full of exciting, educational opportunities for each of our students.  Don't forget to check the Important Dates page on the newsletters as well as the content so that you don't miss out on what is happening. 

Some exciting things we have planned for this term are 

  • whole school cross country event
  • tennis coaching
  • Year 3-6 participation in the Lions Club Public Speaking Competition
  • Year Six community radio appearance 
  • whole school excursion to Twisted Science
  • end of term Performing  Arts exhibition

The events above are in addition to our fantastic classroom based programs with phonics, reading, writing and numeracy instruction/content based upon current research and best practice. Of course we will continue to provide our students with exciting activities and learning opportunities in Integrated Studies, LOTE (Auslan), Visual Arts, Physical Education and Student Wellbeing.  (I think I am tired already). 


Driveway Works: starting on Monday, we are having works completed on the entire length of our internal school driveway as well as the entries and exits. The bus will be dropping off and picking up in front of the school and staff will be parking there also. We ask any families not to use our driveway during this time, even if it looks as though there is not work being carried out at that time. Works are due to be complete by the end of next week. 


Over the holiday break we had some grounds works done. Our new sandpit has been

 constructed and we are in the process of organising sand as well as some mulch to go around the outside. I am sure that our students will be very excited to get in and get "sandy" (our cleaner,  maybe a little less excited). 


We also had new edging installed around the playground. This new edging replaces the previous wood which was warped and split and we no longer felt was in the best safety interests of our students. We will now organise some more soft-fall to fill the area and complete this project. 



We will operate our pie-warmer each school day of Terms 2 and 3. Students may bring

 along any items that can be heated up, these should be wrapped in foil or in a foil container (no plastic or cans please).  In the past we have not only had pastry items heated up but toasted sandwiches, pasta and rice dishes, left over roast dinners and pizza.  

Lunch orders will still be available for purchase from Raywood Eats on Wednesdays ( a current menu is on the community page of this newsletter). 

Did someone say pies?

Our Pie Drive is in full swing.  Thank you to those families and community members who have already put their orders in. There is still time to get your order in to the office (orders need to be in by April 22nd).  A reminder that payment is required before we can process your order. Delivery day is Thursday May 2nd and we will be in contact with those who have ordered to provide a pick up time or make arrangements for your orders to get to you. All funds raised will be used to offset the cost of our new sandpit area. 



A reminder that ANZAC Day is a public holiday and therefore there is no school on this

 day. ANZAC Day falls on Thursday April 25th (which is the second week of Term 2). We will be holding our traditional student-led ANZAC Ceremony here at school on Wednesday April 24th beginning at 10.45am. Families and community members are most welcome to attend and we invite you to come and have a light morning tea with us following the ceremony. 

Cross Country

All students are invited to compete in our annual Cross Country held at the Elmore Events Centre (Elmore Field Days site) on Wednesday May 8th. In order to keep costs down we are not intending on organising a bus on the day but instead are hoping to use private transport to and from the event. Whilst some staff will be able to take cars we do require one or two additional cars (as Mr Collins goes straight to the track to set up on the day and therefore is not able to transport students). We would be leaving school at around 10.45am and expect to return abound 3pm. If you are intending on transporting your own child/ren or able to assist with transporting of others, please let us know as soon as possible. If we can not find sufficient transport we will need to organise a bus and charge each family to cover the cost. 

Could all families please log into uEducateUs and complete the permission slip for this event? 

A message from the team at  Smile Squad

Smile Squad finished providing examination and treatment services at Raywood Primary School on Wednesday 27th March 2024.  


What’s next?

We will return to you school in September 2024 (6 months from the first visit) to complete six-monthly fluoride varnish applications for those students who have provided consent and received fluoride varnish during our first visit. Fluoride varnish applications help ensure students have the best chance of preventing tooth decay, so we’re excited to come back.

Emergency care

If any student requires emergency or urgent care in between our visits, they can attend our Bendigo Health dental clinic. Please call 03 5454 7994 and ask for a Smile Squad appointment.  They will still be seen under Smile Squad, at no cost.


Mother's Day Stall

We will once again hold a Mother's Day stall at school on the Friday before Mother's Day. This year it will be on Friday May 10th. Myself and Bree will organise the gifts for the stall and our two Year Six Leaders will run the stall. Each student may bring up to $5 to spend on the stall. Please do not send extra money to buy  gifts for grandma's and other special people as we will only be purchasing enough gifts for the purposes of each child buying their mum some small gifts- in the past we have had some left over stock which has meant we could allow those wanting to get something extra, could, but we have now diminished our stock and will only be replenishing with what we need. Thank you for your support and understanding. 

Curriculum Day

Our Term 2 Curriculum Day will be on Monday May 20th (as stated in the previous newsletter). Students do not attend school on this day. Staff will be completing work around the new English and Mathematics Curriculum. 


That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy






























