Principal's Message

College Communications
I regularly make reference about the importance of the school and the home enjoying a positive and meaningful partnership that promotes regular, respectful and open communication – a partnership centred on the care, interests, and formation of each student. Correspondence from families to staff and vice versa is important as we share the same hopes and aspirations for all of the boys at Trinity College. In emphasising this theme, I wanted to focus on certain aspects of our College communications that seek to enhance this important relationship.
College Website
Our College Website remains the central hub for sourcing important information and various school policies. The website also houses a variety of news, events and publications, various video inserts, as well as reference to our history, governance and TC Spirit. It also has copies of required Policies and important College documents such as the College Strategic Plan, annual School Improvement Plans and School Performance Review documents.
While Trinity provides effective telephone and email systems through which Family/College communications can occur, SEQTA is predominantly used as the medium where important information is being distributed. This is particularly true of various ‘Year Cohort Letters’ that provide specific information related to cohorts/teams/groups within the College. SEQTA also provides parents and students with the ability to access select aspects of the College Learning Management Platform. Essentially, this allows Students and Families to continually refer to current assessment schedules, weekly and daily lesson plans and to track individual student progress in each Subject or Course. Of course, on those odd occasions when students are absent from the College, the ability to have access to lesson outlines and resources is very important.
Specific notifications are also being sent through SEQTA to both students and families when assessments are marked and finalised. Similarly, pastoral, behavioural and academic notifications are shared in this same manner. All Student Academic Reports are delivered via this online platform and current performance data within respective subjects is also available. This is an area of communication that is continually expanding. I would strongly encourage all families to familiarise themselves with the various functions available in SEQTA and to regularly access the information provided. Instructions for families accessing SEQTA can be found HERE.
Parent Information Carousel Evening
The various Parent Information Evenings are another means by which this partnership can be strengthened because they present important information about Course details, career pathways, student formation programs and student wellbeing initiatives. Our recent Parent Information Carousel Evening was an example of the College adopting a format that allowed parents to select those sessions they felt were most applicable to their needs and the needs of their son. The 2024 Parent Information Night offered parents the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of sessions covering topics such as: The College Formation Programs, Study Skills, APA Explained, ChatGPT and AI in Education, Sleeping Smarter, respective Year Cohort information and much more. This carousel type format allows parents to select those sessions that they feel are most applicable to their needs and the needs of their son and are available to view, and then review if necessary, at any time. Copies of the information presented from the respective Information Evenings can be accessed on the College website HERE
Likewise, our Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews (PTSI) are scheduled for either side of the holiday breaks for Term 1 and Term 2. Specific details about these interviews, how they will be conducted, and the process for booking individual appointments will be provided in the coming weeks. Once again, important and specific information about student progress is shared on such occasions.
Social Media
The College social media channels are another great way to stay up to date with what is happening in the day-to-day life of the College. The Facebook page provides timely reminders of important College events. Other social media channels that the College utilises are:
- Instagram:
- LinkedIn:
- YouTube:
- X/Twitter:
- Website:
- Trinity College Mobile App
As previously stated, effective and timely communication is essential if positive Family/College Partnerships are to continue for the benefit of the students. The College will strive to continue to do well in this area and I thank families for their continued support in this regard. Once again, I refer to the importance of the school and the home enjoying a positive and meaningful partnership that promotes regular, respectful and open communication. With this in mind, I remind all families to be mindful of the Parent Code of Conduct HERE when communicating with staff and other members of our College community.
Live Jesus in our hearts
Mr Darren O’Neill