Learning News 4/5/6

Mrs Amy Phillips

4/5/6 News

Welcome back to Term 2! This term already looks like it is shaping up to be a very busy and fun-filled term.  

In English, we have started a new concept and are learning about authority and argument. The text we are examining is 'Yahoo Creek' written by Tohby Riddle which is a collection of newspaper articles about a mythical creature that is often referred to as a 'Yowie' or 'Hairy Man'. The whole class is very engaged in this unit already and is excited to read more about this creature. During this unit, we will be looking at whether a text is trustworthy or valid as a factual text. Hopefully, we can then use this same concept to enhance our own writing's authority and validity. 

In science, we have begun a new topic about ecosystems and food chains. Throughout this term, we will be exploring how living things have structural features and adaptations and how they interact within a habitat. We will also be exploring feeding relationships within an ecosystem.

In creative arts, we will be appreciating Aboriginal music and dance. This continues nicely from the work we completed last term on Indigenous Art and also links with our history topic of Aboriginal history and early colonial life. We are very lucky to have Ms. Rhodes agree to teach us some Gamilaraay language and songs this term. 

Congratulations to Felix and Arley for proudly representing our school at Diocesan level for soccer and rugby league. 

Myla and Oliver
Felix and Arley
Myla and Oliver
Felix and Arley


Year 4 Maths

For the first 3 weeks this term the children in Years 3/4 will be focusing on Subtraction and using a number of different mental strategies to help solve 2 and 3 digit problems. It is great to see so many children engaged in their learning and attempting these new strategies, such a Bridging to 10, using a number line and Partitioning, to solve these number problems. The children have started to use our class traffic light system to self assess their understanding. Green meaning " I understand what I am doing" Orange meaning " I think I get it but could use some assistance" and red meaning " I don't understand, I need support".

Year 5 & 6 Maths

We have been diving into the world of data, graphs and timelines this fortnight with a huge focus on interpreting the data. We have learned about the importance of how to frame a survey question and to take the time to consider the integrity of the data. The students have had a chance to play around with how to create graphs using the digital platform of Google Slides (spreadsheet) and have explored how to create a digital timeline using a handy section of World Book Online. We used our learning to explore, understand and question some data based on our borrowing patterns for our own library here at St Joseph's over the last twenty years. 

Our next fortnight will turn our focus to digital numbers.