Learning News 2/3

Mrs Ruth Anderson and Mrs Justine Harris

Year 3 Maths

For the first 3 weeks this term the children in Years 3/4 will be focusing on Subtraction and using a number of different mental strategies to help solve 2 and 3 digit problems. It is great to see so many children engaged in their learning and attempting these new strategies, such a Bridging to 10 using a number line and Partitioning, to solve number problems. The children have started to use our class traffic light system to self assess their understanding. Green meaning " I understand what I am doing" Orange being " I think I get it but could use some assistance" and red being " I don't understand, I need support".

Angus and Preston
Angus and Preston

Years 2/3

There were lots of happy faces from 2/3 in the first week back with plenty of stories of adventures during the holidays. They were all able to tell some news to the class and record their antics in their writing recount.


In 1/2 maths we made sure everyone knows their 'left' from their 'right' and once this was down pat we were able to play Simon Says and Hokey Pokey. For those that were still unsure they were able to make a capital L for left with their left thumb and pointer finger. Teachers needed to remember to say 'correct' rather than 'right' to reduce the confusion.


Following the history unit last term exploring our local community, Mrs Anderson and Ms McArdle took 2/3 to our local museum. The students were greeted by Mrs Faint, Mrs Currell, and Mrs Grigg. The students were both excited to be on an excursion and interested in seeing items from the olden days, imagining what it would have been like. Thank you to all those involved. Please see the photos below.

Dexter, Fletcher and Stella
Dexter, Georgie, Chase, Fletcher and Stella
Dexter, Fletcher and Stella
Dexter, Georgie, Chase, Fletcher and Stella
Angus, Blake, Preston, Fletcher, Stella, Elkie, Nahla, Chase, Georgie, Dexter, Mia, Ryder, Alfie, Caspian, Mrs Anderson, Mrs Currell, Mrs Faint and Mrs Grigg
Angus, Blake, Preston, Fletcher, Stella, Elkie, Nahla, Chase, Georgie, Dexter, Mia, Ryder, Alfie, Caspian, Mrs Anderson, Mrs Currell, Mrs Faint and Mrs Grigg

Thank you to Mrs White and Mrs McDouall for organising our Mother's Day stall and Mrs Phillips for organising our craft. I hope all mothers and grandmothers enjoy Sunday with their families.


Just a few reminders to: please make sure children have breakfast; please send some fruit/vege for sip and crunch as recess is a little bit later at the moment; please send them in a labelled jumper or jacket for the cool mornings. This will all help to support them to be comfortable at school to be able to focus on their learning.