Religious Education & Pastoral Care 

Mrs Deb McDouall

Religious Education Coordinator

A very big welcome back to the term!


The Reason for the Season

At the end of last term we were very busy reflecting on the events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection. As the Easter Season comes to a conclusion next week, we turn our focus to Pentecost and learning about the Holy Spirit. This is a good opportunity to pencil in the date of Sunday 22 September as our set date for the sacrament of Confirmation this year. As this only occurs every two years in our Parish, it is important we don't miss anyone! If you know of anyone who has received the sacrament of Holy Communion and is wanting to receive this Sacrament please email the school and I will be in contact with you. Students who are enrolled at our school who are Catholic are automatically put on the contact list.


Mother's Day

Today we seized the opportunity to celebrate all the wonderful women in our lives through a special mass and morning tea.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to join us for this celebration this morning and a very big thank you to everyone who helped contribute to the organisation and running of this event.

We hope all our mums enjoy their special day this Sunday!

Year Six Test

Each year all students in Year Six across the Armidale Diocese sit an examination in the area of Religious Education. This week all our students have participated in the practise test to become familiar with the format and types of questions that are asked. This has prompted lots of interesting conversations with the students as it covers the curriculum from Kindergarten all the way through to Year Six. The 'real' test will be on the 18th June and we wish them all the best of luck!