
Thursday 28th March | Holy Week Paraliturgy Easter Egg Raffle Drawn End of Term 1 - 1pm finish |
Monday 15th April | Return for Term 2 |
Tuesday 23rd April | STOMP Dance Program begins |
Thursday 25th April | ANZAC Day Public Holiday |
Monday 6th May | Sacramental Night for Eucharist |
Thursday 9th May | Mothers Day Stall Mass 9.15am |
Friday 10th May | Mothers Day Breakfast |
Tuesday 14th May | District Cross Country |
Thursday 23rd May | Mass 9.15am |
Sunday 26th May | Commitment Mass for First Eucharist students |
Sunday 2nd June | Sacrament of First Eucharist |
Friday 7th June | School Closure |
Monday 10th June | Kings Birthday Public Holiday |
Thursday 20th June | School Mass 9.15am |
Friday 28th June | End of Term 1.00pm |