Principals Update

Mick Schinck

Key Events

Term 1, Week 9

  • Thursday 28th of March- Holy Thursday. Easter Para-liturgy @ 12.15pm in the MPR. Students conclude Term 1 at 1pm
  • Friday 29th of March -  Good Friday

Term 2, Week 1

  • Monday 15th of April- Term 2 Commences. Students return to school
  • Friday 19th of April -  SJV Cross Country. School Tour @ 9.15am

Dear SJV Families,

It is hard to believe that it is already the last day of Term 1. 


I would like to take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge the wonderful staff we have here at SJV. I am extremely proud of all the staff and their commitment to each and every student in the school, whether they work directly with them or not. The staff always ensure that our students continue to have the best opportunities possible, “Every Child, every Opportunity”. I am grateful for their generosity and positive mindset. The support they continue to show everyone in our school is amazing. As Principal and a colleague, I consider myself extremely fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful community.


As this is the last newsletter for the term, on behalf of all the staff here at SJV, I hope that all families have a very restful and safe Easter holiday and find time to reflect on the significance of this time to us as a Catholic Community.  

SJV Parent Night - Barefoot Bowling

Thank you to Chris Beck for organising the barefoot bowling evening last Friday at the Mordialloc Bowls Club. It was a great turn out with many of our new parents from Prep attending. A lot of fun was had by all.

Easter Egg Hunt

A special thanks to members from the PFA and Nicole Davies who arranged today's Easter Egg hunt for the students. They were so excited to find two chocolate Easter eggs each and absolutely loved eating them!!

School Winter Uniforms

At the commencement of Term 2, students may wear either the FULL summer uniform or FULL winter uniform (please do not mix and match the uniforms) until the end of Week 2. From Monday 29th April, ALL student must be in FULL WINTER UNIFORM.  

2025 Prep Enrolments 

Our Requests for School Tours are continuing with many booking times to come and visit our wonderful school! Enrolments for Prep 2025 are now open and we encourage all families to submit their applications as soon as possible.  If you have a child or you know someone wanting to tour schools for their child, please encourage them to book a school tour by contacting Nicole in our front office or scanning the QR code and booking online.  If you are not able to make these tours please note that you are also welcome to call to make a time that does work for you. 

NEW - SJV School Tour Dates

  • Friday 19th April @ 9.15am
  • Monday 26th April @ 12.30pm

Applications are due Monday 6th of May

New Online Portal

Our new portal is now live and we are ready for all parents to log on, set up passwords and update student details. 


We will no longer be using Operoo for notifications, permission forms and student medical information. This new portal that we already use for reports and student attendance will now be our source of truth for student details. This will produce First aid notifications that will be emailed to you if your child has required attention during the day. Another advantage of this portal is that it will notify both parents with any information that we publish. We will eventually also use this for absentee forms and Teacher/ Parents interviews. We will keep you updated as we start using new components of the portal.

All parents need to use the following link to log on.


Please note when you log on you have to use the email registered to the school for school reports (new parents- it will be the one you registered on your enrolment form) you then  need to click forgot password and then create a new password. You will then be all setup.




If you are still having issues please contact Nicole in the office 

Easter Egg Drive

Thank you to everyone for your donations to our Easter Egg drive. Around 50 baskets full of wonderful prizes have been created. The raffle was drawn at todays assembly. Congratulations to all of the winners!!


Thank you to the members of the PFA for organising the raffle prizes and our Hot Cross Bun Drive. We have raised $866 on the raffle and $210 on the buns. Thank you to all the families for participating.


  • Dogs - Please note that for the safety and wellbeing of all members of our community, no dogs are permitted inside the school grounds and they must not be left unattended tied up at the gates. Adult supervision and holding of the leash is so important around vulnerable places such as schools.  We love dogs but we do have to take care of all members of our community.
  • Bikes and Scooters - Please walk bikes and scooters when moving through the school grounds.
  • Punctuality - It is expected that all students are to be at school by no later than 8.45am and not any time up to 9am. From 8.45am to 9am is crucial for students to get themselves organised, start the day with prayer, take the roll and ready to commence their day promptly. Formal lessons begin at 9am. Any child who arrives at or after 9am is to be signed in at the office by a parent/guardian. I ask all parents to make sure that you adhere to these times.
  • The next Newsletter will be shared on Thursday 18th of April.

Have a wonderful Easter!




Mick Schinck
