Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN - School to Work

Ss Michaels and John’s opened the doors and created pathways to St Brigid’s Year 9 Students during the dynamic WSMLLEN pilot program.


In a pioneering initiative to engage youth in career options, the Wimmera SouthernMallee Local Learning and Employment Network (LLEN) spearheaded a three-day Work Experience Industry Taster program. Designed for Year 9 students from St Brigid's College, the program aimed to broaden horizons and equip students with career insights.


Ss Michaels and John’s Primary School staff and students partnered with the WSMLLEN, St Brigid’s College and twenty other industries to engage Year 9 St Brigid Students in hands-on activities across various fields, fostering critical thinking and exploration. The success of the initiative was a result of collaborative efforts from Wimmera Southern Mallee LLEN, St Brigid's College, and participating industries. 


Appreciation goes to the staff and students at Ss Michael and John's Primary School, who gave the time and effort to provide the work experience students with arange of enriching activities in various classes. Students “helped out in Prep, 3/4 and 5/6 classes…as a teacher's aid supporting kids and giving help when needed.” Other Year 9’s enjoyed "helping out the Preps during their English class when sounding out and spelling words they are working on.”


Ss Michaels and John’s staff provided students with insight into child development, learning and patience through the areas of reading, writing, comprehension, Physical Education, Art and Indonesian across the school. 


These experiences allowed students to develop skills such as active listening, patience, and effective communication with children. Additionally, they learned aboutimportant safety standards in educational environments and gained confidence inassisting students with their learning.


Furthermore, some students reflected on their interactions with younger students, expressing joy in helping them and observing their learning progress. They also noted areas for personal growth, such as asking more questions and spreading themselves around the classroom more effectively.


The experience was so rewarding that many of the St Brigid students who attendedthe WSMLLEN’s Industry Taster at Ss Michaels and John’s Primary School are seriously considering teaching as a career pathway, reflecting the program's impact in shaping future leaders.