Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A
Last week we enjoyed all the ‘Education Week’ activities. We loved dressing up on the final day as superheroes. In Literacy we got to talk about what superpowers we would like to have. Lots of us thought it would be great to be invisible! We have been super readers this week by reading each night at home and having our diary signed. During our Literacy block we are trying to increase our reading stamina by improving how long we can read from our book box. We are doing a great job with staying on task.
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B
Thanks for all your support.
Have a great day.
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
The weather is certainly getting chillier!
Luckily, we are staying cosy in the BER building thanks to the heaters.
As kids may take their jumpers off across the day, having names on jumpers makes it much easier to reunite with their owners.
Education Week was full of exciting activities: from a dramatic Cinderella performance, to Medieval Day to Laugh Like a Hyena Day. It was great to see students getting into the spirit of these events.
In Maths, we have been focusing on understanding maths concepts such as how to find the ‘difference between’ two numbers. Some students explored this concept using maths materials and others worked out the difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures in Wedderburn in January.
Students tried out a new handwriting online program last week and it was great to them focusing hard on forming their letters correctly. We are continuing to develop skills in writing informative texts. At the moment we are trying to become sea turtle experts! Keeping with the watery theme, we have been learning about the water cycles in Inquiry, and even made a model of the water cycle inside Ziplock bags!
With this Friday being Report Writing Day and next Monday being the King’s Birthday public holiday, we wish families a happy and safe long weekend.
Mrs McKenzie & Ms Young, Classroom Teachers
Year 3 & 4
Year 3 and 4 students have been busy at work this fortnight.
Some comments from the students about what we have been doing in our work together:
We have been continuing to read the book The Wild Robot.
We have been discovering what words mean as well as synonyms (words that mean the same) and antonyms (words that have a different meaning or are the opposite).
We have been using online dictionaries and thesaurus to help us to understand these.
The Wild Robot, Roz has been exploring who she is and how she can learn to do things.
We have been learning about Roz’s adventure on the island.
Inquiry: Our Place, Australia
In Inquiry the Year 3 and 4 students have been continuing to learn about Australia.
We have been learning about deserts in Australia and what we would need to pack if we visited. For something to be classed as a desert, it needs to receive less than 250mm of rain per year.
We have been learning about the Great Dividing Range which can be found in the states – QLD, NSW, VIC and the ACT.
We have been learning about rivers in Australia. We have learnt that all rivers lead to the ocean.
We have been learning about mountains like Mount Bogong, which is found in Victoria.
We have been learning about places in Australia – such as the states and territories.
Miss Anderson and Miss Eilish, Classroom Teachers
Year 5 & 6
This term we have developed an understanding and appreciation of war and conflict that has shaped the Australia and world that we know. Students have engaged in all activities and developed their awareness of why war and conflict happens across the world. For the rest of the term, we will explore and develop our knowledge of how machines work. We will get out the shifters and spanners to learn how things work. Although, we can't guarantee things will work or be the same again.
Thankyou for making sure your child is completing their homework, reading and using their diary to record time read in class and at home.
Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teacher
We have been enjoying a fun term in music, learning new songs and instruments. It has been exciting to see students grasping the opportunity to perform in-front of their peers.
Students have also been learning the song 'Inanay', which they will perform at the end of term. Students have been focusing on keeping the rhythm when performing as a group, using voice, body percussion, shakers, clap sticks and drums. Students have explored creating their own arrangements of songs in small groups, rehearsing them and presenting them to their peers. They have also explored the characteristics of sounds through colour and shapes. They have particularly enjoyed using movement to explore the rhythm.
Looking forward we are excited to explore the music from other cultures, songs from our local community, as well as learning new instruments. We look forward to sharing musical performances with you throughout the year!
Year 8 Art
Year 9 - MY9 Class
Year 9 Art
Ms Herrington and Miss Van De Wetering, Year 9 Homeroom Teachers.
Year 10
Key Dates:
- Term 2 Week 10 – Snow Camp
- Term 2 Week 11 – Year 10 Work Experience
Year 9/10 Snow Camp
Snow Camp is just around the corner. Below are some key times.
We will be departing Wedderburn College at 7:30am
Inglewood pick up will be across from the IGA at 7:45am
Details surrounding return drop off times will be published on the day. Drop off point will still be at IGA.
- Year 10 exams are currently underway. Please remember to revise for these, as this will assist with preparing for VCE SACs/Exams in the future.
- Chewing gum is not permitted at school.
- Homework Club is running Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays at lunchtime in Room 11. If you are finding it challenging to complete Homework at home, please utilise this time.
- If you are absent from school, please send an email to your teachers to ensure you catch up on any work that is missed. In addition to this, if you are absent on a day where homework is due, please email this through or see your teacher the day before (if known) or first thing on your return.
Mr Iser and Miss Milne, Homeroom Teachers
Recess/Lunchtime Activities
If any students have an activity that they think would be fun to run at recess or lunchtime, please speak to an SRC person.
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Year 7 PE - Game Design
This term, Year 7 students have been looking at designing their own physical activity game, focussing on inclusion, safety and fun! All students were able to cooperatively work in their small groups to choose a game or sport then add modifications to make it more inclusive, safer or just more fun. Games featured basketball, baseball, football, netball and soccer elements with plenty of twists and creativity. Well done to all students!
One of the year 7 groups (Jimmy, Jack, Isabelle and Elvis) invented the game of Tub-Ball. A mixture of netball and basketball. Students were able to add modifications to make it more inclusive, safer and definitely lots of fun. Mr P will be stealing this one for his future PE lessons 😊
Mr P’s Secondary PE Student of the Week is: Rico Aggenbach. Rico has shown fantastic application in HPE this term. He has consistently demonstrated expected behaviours such as completing all classwork and homework, and actively participating by asking questions. Well done Rico.
Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the fortnight is: Chelsea Parker. Chelsea has displayed strong resilience since arriving at Wedderburn College. She has fit in seamlessly within PE lessons and has the never give up attitude. Well done, Chelsea, keep it up!
Miss Milne and Mr Pettifer, Sports Coordinators
Semester 1 Reports
Change to Reports for Semester 1 for students in Foundation to Year 10
Over the past year the college has reviewed our reporting practices. This process commenced with asking for parent/guardian feedback during term 2 of last year. Over the past year, we have also investigated different approaches to reporting and have designed a report format that best meets the needs of our students and parents/guardians.
Parents/Guardians will find the new format easier to read, easier to locate information about your child’s performance and areas for future development within a subject. Parents/Guardians will be able to identify a student’s attitude to learning within the class across a number of areas.
Students will continue to be assessed against the Victorian Curriculum standards and outcomes. Parents and Guardians will clearly see their child’s level of attainment and the progress made from 6 previous.
All students across the college will be assessed against the same Attitudes to the Learning framework. The 5 areas are: Active Learning, Behaviour, On Time and Ready to Learn, Work Completion and Interacting with others.
There will be a 5-level scale for all attitudes to learning which are as follows:
EXCELLENT - The student has demonstrated this attitude at every instance.
VERY GOOD - The student has demonstrated this attitude most of the time.
GOOD – The student is demonstrating this attitude some of the time.
ACCEPTABLE – The student has made satisfactory effort in demonstrating this attitude.
NEEDS ATTENTION – The student needs to make a greater effort in demonstrating this attitude.
Teachers will also make an assessment against key skills that have been covered across the semester. These skills will be unique to the subject and class for that particular year level.
The Learning Skills scale students will be assessed against is as follows:
OUTSTANDING – The student has demonstrated this skill consistently, is able to help others develop the skill, and/or is able to apply the skill in a variety of contexts.
EXCELLENT – The student has demonstrated this skill regularly and is able to apply it in other contexts.
VERY GOOD – The student has been able to demonstrate this skill on multiple occasions.
GOOD - The student has demonstrated this skill on several occasions.
SATISFACTORY – The student has a basic understanding of the skill.
NEEDS IMPROVEMENT – The student is making progress towards understanding this skill.
UNSATISFACTORY – The student has not mastered the skill.
NA – This skill does not apply to this student
There may be particular students who are working above or below the expected level. For these students, the teacher will specifically identify the level the student is being assessed.
Mr Fowles
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.