Principal's Message

Mr Forrest

Report Writing Day Friday

A reminder to everyone that there is no school this Friday 7th June as it is our annual report writing day.  Also, Monday 10th June is the Kings Birthday public holiday. 

Please enjoy the double long weekend everybody. 

COVID - Impacts

Please remember that COVID is still an ongoing concern.  Unfortunately for the past three weeks staff and students have been impacted by COVID.   If you are sick please do the right thing and think about others.   Unfortunately RAT tests are no longer being supplied by the government.   We cannot order them anymore.    

Great Start to the Reading Olympics

Well done to everyone for a frantic start to the reading Olympics, the competition is read hot!  Reading is a essential life skill to have, make sure you participate and win some great prizes along the way. 

Building Update

As everyone can see the building works are well underway.  It is hoped that the pathways for the wheelchair ramps and foundations for the new secondary toilet block, science room and outdoor eating area will be poured over the next two weeks.  The KLC will be closed at the end of next week to enable revovation works to commence.

There will be fencing erected and restricted areas put in place around the KLC.     A temporary toilet block will available for secondary students to use for the next 4 to 5 months. 


The Kinder/Child Care Centre is still under robust discussion and planning at the moment. We will let you know more when the current plans can be released.   The new government run facility is quite large and will cater for 90 children from 0-4 years of age, creating over 15-20 job opportunities.    No further details are available apart from an opening date of the first day of school in 2026.

Wedderburn College 25 Years Celebration

We would like to extend an invitation to interested families and past students  to attend our special 25-year celebration at Wedderburn P-12 College. This event is scheduled for Friday 28th June 2024, starting at 10 a.m. in the front garden area of Wedderburn College. This is the last day of term 2.


 Draft Program - Subject to change. 

10:00 a.m.    Welcome to Country Uncle Rick 

                        Story Telling & Digeridoo by Uncle Ron

                        Musical item School Students

                        Opening & Dedication of new Indigenous Mural 

                        Speech by Tobie Cameron mural artist & student presentations


10:45  a.m.                Morning Tea


11:20 a.m.                 School 25 Year Celebrations, & Speeches

                                     SWPBS Gold - Celebration

                                     Opening of 25 Year Logo, Cutting of Cake   


12:00 p.m.                 Special Guests School Tour/Open Day for Parents & Friends 


12:30 p.m.                  Lunch for Special Guests


1:00 p.m.                    BBQ Lunch for students.

2:30 p.m.                    Early finish last day of term


Please RSVP for catering by the 24th of June 2024 if you can attend on 5494 3011.