REC News

Shannon Cain


Over the next three weekends there are several students who will be receiving the 

Sacrament of First Holy Communion.


Throughout the year each class from Year 3-6 will attend reconciliation at St Joseph's Church. This will commence at 10am or at the conclusion of the Thursday Parish Mass. 

All are invited to attend Reconciliation with one of the priests. 


Week 6: 5M and 5Y

Week 8: 5B and 6M


Each year each grade participates in a grade retreat. This is a fun day of learning about our faith, participating in prayer, reflection, singing and games.


This Friday 31st May,  Year 3 will go to James Sheahan and will participate in a spiritual retreat with other catholic schools in our area.


Kindergarten's retreat day has been changed  to Thursday 28th June at Kenna Hall. 



On our last pupil free day the staff travelled to Bathurst to learn about how to 'Unlock the Scriptures' for our students. The day was facilitated by Dr Dan White.


The time between Christmas and Lent and between Easter and Advent is called Ordinary Time. The word ordinary comes from the word ordinal or counting of time. It is a long period of time when we get on with the daily business of living our faith. The readings of Ordinary Time focus on Jesus’ ministry. The colour of Ordinary Time is green. 

Green is the colour of growth.


The Scriptures take us through the Liturgical Year on a three year cycle. The Church designates readings to be used for each day on a three year cycle. We have Liturgical Years A, B and C. We look at Jesus and our own lives through the Gospel of Matthew (Cycle A), Mark (Cycle B) and Luke (Cycle C). The Gospel of John is included at particular times in all three cycles. The liturgical year is one way that we can interpret the Scriptures, 

enabling us to integrate our life experience with the life of Jesus. 

It is how we express our identity as Christians.

We are currently in Year B.