Principal's Page

Gai Melville

Wellbeing at McAuley


Congratulations to the Mrs Cain and Mrs Connor from our Wellbeing Team and all of the school staff for working hard to create a safe and nurturing environment where students can thrive and develop positive attitudes towards learning and social interactions. The planning, strategies and support developed by the team are being noticed by the most important group of all, our students! 


Our Wellbeing Team has developed and implemented programs and activities that foster positive mental health, physical health, and social-emotional development. They work closely with teachers, parents, and other school staff to ensure that the needs of students are being met and that any issues or concerns are addressed in a timely manner.


We recently received feedback that congratulated the team at Catherine McAuley for their work in the wellbeing space.  According to the data collected through the annual Vibestudent surveys  overall student wellbeing is currently at the Flourishing level at 71%.  In under 12 months the data shows that there has been a 16% jump in wellbeing student voice data.  What a great achievement!


Kindergarten Enrolments for 2025

If you have a child starting school next year, or know of any families who have a child starting school in 2025, please remind them to either pick up an enrolment form from our school office or download an enrolment form from our website. Information regarding our Kindergarten Orientation sessions is ready to be sent home so we are keen to have you on our mailing list.


REMINDER Parent Engagement Workshop

Are you passionate about your child’s learning?

Would you like to have a voice in helping us to strengthen our learning culture?

Come along to hear from other parents/carers as we create 

a shared language around learning.


We have had over 35 parents and carers register to attend the next interactive parent engagement workshop on Wednesday 12 June from 6:00-7:00pm in Kenna Hall. Our partnered Education Consultant Chad Ferris from ideatED will facilitate this session. 


At this session, we are seeking your insights as Chad helps our school co-construct our Learning Framework. The intent of our co-constructed learning Framework is to identify, define and explore what we value great learning to be at Catherine McAuley. This session will be interactive and will join with the voices of our staff and students to enhance shared language and collective accountability across our whole school community.


We invite you to continue to encourage each other to join us so that we have an active parent/carer voice in our learning community.


Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided. 


Please RSVP on Compass by ‘giving consent’ next to your eldest child’s name by Friday 7th June.  


Gai Melville

Acting Principal