School Captains 

A message from the Captains 

So far 2024 has been such an amazing experience. We, as school captains, are here to reflect on the past two Terms so far and what our roles have looked like. 

The year started off strongly with the transitioning of each year level into the next, including our transition into year 12. This meant that our responsibility as school captains was starting. We have thoroughly enjoyed and embraced being positive role models to all RHS students. It was great to speak at our first whole-school assembly, where we felt honored to address the whole school community.

From meetings with the Principal about ideas on bringing the school community together, attending SRC meetings, and meetings with each other about upcoming events, like our Year 12 Formal, to those ideas then coming to life in the past couple of months and upcoming weeks, we have been very busy.

Charlotte has worked closely with a few of the sport teachers in organizing an inter-house cup. This meant that over the past term, every Tuesday lunchtime, students from mostly senior school have been versing each other in fun games such as dodgeball and euro handball. During those lunchtime games, junior school and middle school students were able to sneak in and join in a few games (photos below).

Having students work together and mix around with friends and new peers, or even just coming to watch and cheer on fellow students put a smile on everyone’s face.


We, as School Captains, are also very excited to announce that our formal is in less than a month. Our formal is going to be held at the Lincoln of Toorak on the 21st of June. 

To raise funds for our formal, the Year 12 cohort have participated in fun days. These have included pyjama day and crazy hair day. Both days have been a gold coin donation, which has gone towards making our tickets slightly cheaper. From fluffy pants, to oodies, to hoodies, to matching pants, to trackpants, to then the day after people coming with colored, crazy hair, with tinsel, ribbon and pipe cleaners coming out (photos below). 

The Year 12 VCE/VM class also organized a sausage sizzle on the 4th of June, all the money raised will go towards the Year 12 formal. Make sure to bring cash and meet in the new B block to line up for your sausages. Condiments and onions will also be available. 

We look forward to fulfilling our roles as school captains for the rest of the year and being involved in more school events with the whole school.



Ainsley, Charlotte, Dylan, and Vittoria.