Principal's Report

A message from the Principal

Term 2 Newsletter 2

 Principal’s Message


Dear Student and Families,


As we come to the mid-way point of Term 2, I would like to commend all of our students for the focused attention on their learning, particularly as there are many assessments being completed at this time. 


The Year 12s continue to role model what excellence in learning looks like. Unit 3 comes to an end shortly and as Unit 4 begins, I encourage every Year 12 to take full advantage of the expertise and guidance of their teachers, study hard and give everything they have got to the final months of their secondary school learning.


A number of events have taken place over the last few weeks, including the Performing Arts Night and the Music Showcase and they were exceptional. The diversity of musical, dance and drama acts and genres ranged from a sophisticated version of Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps, stunning classical pieces, to high-energy rock music. All students performed with poise, confidence and skill. On both evenings the Theatre was filled with staff, students and families, all of whom were impressed by the quality of performances.


Our school Debating Team competed in the Inter-School Debating Competition last week and in the final, were opposing Ivanhoe Grammar and were triumphant. Our students were able to craft highly persuasive and sophisticated arguments and delivered them with confident composure.


I had the pleasure of working with our Student Leadership Team last week for the first Student Leadership Forum for 2024, in which we are re-visioning what student leadership needs to look like for 2025 and beyond, so as to build strong student voice, leadership and agency across the school. These young leaders are deeply impressive, understanding the importance of representing their peers and confidently worked alongside me and Mrs Chatley to create a new leadership structure for 2025. Further information about the new Student Leadership structure will be shared with our school community next term.


Year 10 Work Experience takes place in the final week of this term. Can I please remind all Year 10 students and their families that Work Experience is a compulsory part of the Year 10 learning program and if you have not already done so, each student must obtain a work placement and have the appropriate documentation completed and signed by the end of week 8 of this term.


The Semester 1 Reports are currently being written by teachers and will be published by the end of the term. I encourage all students to ensure all work has been submitted and end the semester having done your very best in your learning.


Kind regards,

Katie Watmough