Music Showcase 

Music Department 

On Thursday, May 23rd, Reservoir High School hosted its much-anticipated Semester One Music Showcase. After a day filled with rehearsals, our talented students took to the stage to perform a diverse selection of music, ranging from jazz and classical to rock. The event, once again, highlighted the exceptional talent nurtured within our Reservoir High School Music Department.


The showcase was a resounding success, drawing a large and enthusiastic audience that included parents, guardians, students, staff and members of the local community. The night was filled with applause and appreciation, as each performance demonstrated the dedication and skill of our young musicians.


The evening's success would not have been possible without the incredible efforts of our instrumental music staff, who worked hard to prepare the students for this event. Their guidance and support were crucial in bringing out the best in our performers.


We extend our sincere thanks to everyone who attended and supported our students. It was truly a fun and memorable night, and we look forward to many more showcases celebrating the musical talents of Reservoir High School.


Reservoir High School Music Department