Physical Education

Hi Families,
Still a couple of weeks and so much sport to go! We are looking forward to a couple of jam packed weeks before the break.
Next Term for your diaries:
- Tuesday 23rd July: Year 4-6 Athletics
- Thursday 1st August: Year 4 District Basketball
- Thursday 22nd August: Year 5 & 6 District Basketball
- Thursday 10th September: District Athletics (for selected students)
Year 4 Gala Day
On Wednesday our year 4 students will be participating in the District Inter School Sports Gala Day. The sports the majority of students have chosen are netball, soccer and AFL9’s. Parents will have received information about this on operoo and should have received a fixture attached to operoo, if they wish to head down and watch their child at their sport. This day is about participation and being exposed to some different sports.
Year 5&6 Gala Day
On Friday 21st July, students will be participating in the District Interschool Sports Gala Day. The sports the majority of students have chosen are netball, softball and soccer. Parents will have received information about this on operoo and will receive fixtures when these have been completed. Parents are welcome to support their child and can team manage or help the teachers score for their team.
EMR Cross Country
We wish Nathan (year 6) and Xavier (year 5) all the best as they head to the Eastern Regional Cross Country event on Thursday. They will embark on another 3km at Yarra Glen Racecourse.
Congratulations to all of those that competed in the Division Cross Country. Once again each and every one of you made us proud and the support for each other and others students from other schools, was incredible.
Knox Basketball Clinic
Last week we had NBL1 Raiders Player Jacob Foy come and visit the year 4&6 students to run a basketball clinic with them. He was able to do some fun games with the students and help refine some of their basketball skills. Below you will find some information about their holiday programs these holidays. Highly recommend if you are looking for something to do, he was very engaging.
Our year 5’s had their last orienteering session with our coach Hania last week. The students were given a couple of courses, they had to read the maps, find the check points and stamp them and move to the next one. Students discovered why orienteering is considered a sport with lots of panting and flushed faces. Below I have inserted some information we have been provided by Orienteering Victoria. A great way to give orinteeing a go as a family.
MelBushO Westerfolds Park
Sunday 16 June 2024
Westerfolds Park is a very popular park next to the Yarra River. There are many tracks including the Main Yarra Trail
used by cyclists. Large gum trees, many kangaroos and small areas of bush make it more than just a manicured park.
Course Planner: Alan Küffer Event Organiser: Ruth Goddard 0474 130 828 and Yarra Valley
Map: Westerfolds Park Scale: 1:7500
Getting There: Assembly will be off Porter Street, Templestowe. Melway map 33E3. It is a quieter part of the park with ample parking and toilets.
Entry Details: Pre-entry via Eventor is STRONGLY PREFERRED, to minimize queuing. A small number of maps will be available for on the day entry. Please help us out by entering online by Friday 14 June.
Entry fees: ADULTS - $12 JUNIORS - $6 FAMILIES (2 adults plus kids) - $30 max
Registration opens: 09.30am
Course Start Times: 10.00am to 11.30am
All Courses Close: 1.00pm
You must return to the DOWNLOAD STATION even if you have not completed your course.
Course Details:
Course 1 - Long Hard 6.1km Course 2 - Medium Hard 4.6km
Course 3 - Short Hard 3.3km Course 4 - Moderate 3.8km
Course 5 - Easy 2.6km
Courses 1 ,2 and 3 are on the hard side of moderate, both physically and navigationally.
Course 4 is Moderate standard, designed for less experienced competitors or older newcomers, or people looking to progress from Easy courses. You’ll be able to follow “handrails” (linear features such as tracks), and cross open country.
Course 5 is Easy standard, designed for newcomers and younger competitors. Your controls will be on natural features on or close to the tracks.
Competitors who complete Course 5 or Course 4 may do some or all of a second, harder course, if time and maps permit. Only your first course will appear in the results. Please arrange this at Registration, as you will need to “re-enter” the event. There is no charge for a second course.
Sportident Timing: Controls will NOT be in SI Air mode. At each control you will need to put your stick into the hole
on the unit.
Loan sticks will be available at Registration – no charge, but $50 replacement fee for loss or damage. Loan sticks
must not be shared or re-used. Return loan sticks at the Finish, by placing them into the container provided. Basic compasses are also available for loan from Registration.
Please stay home if unwell. If you pre-entered and need to withdraw, you will be refunded in line with Orienteering Victoria’s Refund Policy.
Your children in year 1 & 2 may have told you how they have been learning Taekwondo for the past two weeks (and still 2 more weeks to go). Ask them what they have learnt - how to block, front kick, side kick and back kick!
Have a great week ahead.
Stay safe, keep active
Catherine Wall
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Sport Coordinator