PFA News

What a night! There was an amazing turn out of mums at Thursday's get together! Plenty of laughs, yummy food and dancing! The GPS Mums know how to party and with the amazing Silent Disco surprise everyone had a blast! The room was full of joy, love and laughter. Thank you to the incredible organising team of Year 6 parents who took the lead and planned each and every moment. Thank you to Jodie Holthouse, Marina Shnaider, Jo Birleson, Irene Lichomets, Chantel Klein, Sim Skovron, Lee Azjenman, Ilana Shwartz, Anna Angus, Sam Cousins, Lee-at Jacobson, Catherine McLouglin and Lisa Schafer.
There are always so many people involved in these events, set up, pack up, helpers on the night, the list goes on! Thank you to everyone!
PFA MEETING - Wednesday 15th May
Senior Campus staffroom at 7.30pm - All welcome and encouraged to come along and be a part of our amazing school.
8.40am-9.15am outside the Performing Arts room at the Junior Campus. All items $5. Cash and Eftpos now available! If you have any items to donate please drop off to Junior Campus office.
DADS OF GARDENVALE - DOGS - Thursday 30th May
Pizza night! It's ok, lads, don't fret. Callum will be spinning pizzas for us in the back room at Ohana this month. Stuff yourself with pizza and your first beer/wine all for $25.
Ohana Pizza McKinnon. RSVP to or via the DOGS WhatsApp group by this Wednesday if you are keen.
Each week at assembly we are drawing prizes for students. Be sure to collect your sponsorships and pay via compass. Also, the top classes will receive special prizes too. Keep it coming GPS!