Student Learning

The Resilience Project
The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs to schools, sports clubs and businesses, providing practical, evidence-based mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. Through presentations, school curriculum, events, the TRP App, and Wellbeing Journals, we share the benefits of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness, and easy ways to practise these in everyday life. We also incorporate Emotional Literacy, Connection and Physical Health education and activities as they are foundational contributors to positive mental health.
Don't forget to bring $1 to school for our mindfulness activity!
Please make sure you send $1.00 with your child to participate in making calming jars as part of our mindful activities with Mrs Smith. All year levels will be taking part in this activity. The jars will stay at school with your child for them to use as a mindfulness tool.
Foundation students are doing so well learning their M100 words. Practicing at home is a great way to learn these words.
PMP - Students always have fun in PMP with Mr O'Brien. They had to work as a team and make the letters of the alphabet with their bodies.
Art - Students enjoyed joining classes for a group Art session where they made Autumn trees.
The Resilience Project - Students have been learning all about what makes a good friend.
Our Foundation students recently had their 60th day of school! Zero the Hero came back to celebrate and join in some activities.
Year 1/2
Reading: The students have looked at identifying features in non-fiction text. They looked closely at the differences between a contents page and an index page.
Writing: The students have begun their informative booklets on Australian animals. They researched interesting facts about their chosen animal and wrote the information into their own words.
Maths: To improve their understanding of multiplication, the students rolled dice to create groups and illustrated them on graph paper.
Year 3/4
At Cobram Primary School we encourage students to write with purposeOur 3/4 students have been busy researching and learning about endangered animals. Students then enjoyed drawing a picture their chosen endangered animal.
Elina and Marchello - "We have been learning and practising new strategies to solve math problems with factors and multiples".
Junior Public Speaking
Our budding 3-6 students would like to invite our families to attend our junior public speaking school final in the Multi-purpose room on Monday 3rd of June at 9.15. Thank you for your support.
Year 5/6
Our Grade 6 students got their first taste of what life will be like at High School next year.
Thank you to Cobram Secondary for day, we look forward to returning later in the year!
The 5/6ers kicked off our Bike Education campaign with a visit from Bill from RoadSafe Shepparton. The students started with a theory element, learning about road rules and safety before heading out on the bikes and competing in a ‘slow race’ where they learnt how to control their bikes. Thanks to Bill from RoadSafe Shepparton for coming over to run these sessions!
On Wednesday 22nd May our whole school participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. At 12pm, all across the country, everyone read the book Bowerbird Blues. Since then our students have participated in activities inspired by the book. Here our Year 56 students worked on some special art projects.
Division Cross Country
Congratulations to our team of Division runners who competed in Shepparton last Friday. Special mention goes to Ashtyn Speechly & Paige Rowley who finished within the top 12 which means they will progress to the next stage in Benalla in the coming weeks.
Great effort everyone!