Principal's Update

2025 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2025 are now open! Students that are new to a Victorian Government School can be enrolled through the online enrolment process. Please visit to register and submit an application. Paper enrolment forms are also available from the school office.
Every day is an open day at Cobram Primary School and we love to demonstrate our excellent teaching and learning! Please phone the office on 58721374 for a school tour.
As the weather is getting colder it is important that students are dressed warmly when coming to school. The weather has been around 1-2 degrees some mornings and many students have arrived at school in a polo shirt and shorts. Please ensure your child is wearing a jumper as students are not able to enter the classroom until 8:55am.
During the day a lot of students do remove their jumper as it becomes warmer. We ask that all jumpers are clearly named so that lost jumpers can be returned easily to students.
Road Safety
Lately, there have been a number of concerning incidents out the front of the school. It is very alarming to see parents with their children crossing the road between buses, in front of cars and without checking for traffic. Please assist us in teaching students about road safety so that everyone makes it home safely each day. Everyone crossing William Street must cross at the school crossing, staff are reminding students of this but we need the assistance of parents to ensure it is happening.
Cross Country
Congratulations to all our students who participated in the Annual School Cross Country. All students should be applauded for their effort and completion of the course. I would also like to congratulate our Age Champions -
6YR BOYS - Malakai Burns 1km in 4:59min
6YR GIRLS - Darcy Duhring 1km in 5:08min
7YR BOYS - Blake Stanyer 1km in 4:12min
7YR GIRLS - Ivy Kelly 1km in 4:34min
8YR BOYS - Marley Patterson 1km in 4:22min
8YR GIRLS - Mia Newnham 1km in 4:28min
9YR BOYS - Tanner Speechly 2km in 8:58min
9YR GIRLS - Mia Boncaldo 2km in 11:27min
10YR BOYS - Brayth Diwell 2km in 9:54min
10YR GIRLS - Bonnie Cleese 2km in 11:47min
11YR BOYS - Vishnu Velumani 3km in 14:59min
11YR GIRLS - Harper Kelly 3kim in 17:05min
12YR BOYS - Ashtyn Speechly 3km in 13:21min
12YR GIRLS - Issy Gardiner 3km in 16:27min
We also had 14 students attend the Division Cross Country in Shepparton. Congratulations to Mia B., Ashton, Charlie C., Bonnie, Lucas G., Issy, Harper, Brayth, Paige, Noah M., Dusty, Tanner, Ashtyn and Vishnu who put in a fantastic effort on the day. Well done to Ashtyn and Paige who each placed in the top 10 and will be going to the next stage of the Cross Country. I can't wait to hear how they go!
Pirate Day
Thank you to all our families that participated in Pirate Day! It was a fun to see so many students in costume and to also raise money for childhood brain cancer research.
Have a great week!
Claye Runnalls