Five Minutes with Mr Chesters

BSC Staff Member

Mr Chesters
Mr Chesters

How long have you been at BSC?

Six years.

What’s your role at BSC?

I am a Healthy Lifestyles teacher and a Goal Group Mentor for the best Goal Group in the school

What’s your family like?

My mother, father, two sisters, a brother and I have a dog named Chester.

Do you follow a sport? AFL?

I do. Unfortunately, I go for the Saints.

If you could swap places with someone for a day, would you? If so, who?

I would like to swap places with a bird because I would be keen to know what it's like to fly.

What was the last book you read?

The last book I read was the PE textbook.

What's your favourite part of this job?

Giving out uniform indiscretions!

What's your spirit animal?

A golden retriever because I'm cool and have a loving personality.

Your go-to karaoke song?

Shallow from A Star is Born - Singing a duet with Mr Walsh.

Your favourite food?

Anything pasta (just pasta).

Do you have any advice for students you may teach in the future?

Wear the correct uniform and don't be late!

Favourite show? 

The Footy and Survivor.

Favourite sport? 

Footy and golf.

What do you do in your spare time? 

Mark PE SACs with my dog. 

What kind of music do you like?

I'm not super into music, but the 80s if I had to choose.

A favourite hobby?

Playing golf. 

Who would play you in a movie? 

Charlie Day from Always Sunny in Philly. 


Thanks, Mr Chesters! 


Interview by Imogen B (Year 12)