Our Latest Facebook & Instagram Posts

For those not on social media OR those who do follow us but may have missed a post here or there! Here's what's been posted on our Facebook & Instagram pages over the past fortnight. Of course, if you would like to follow us to get the news as soon as it happens, here are the links!  


FRIDAY 10 MAY 2024

YEAR 12 GEOGRAPHY FIELDWORK || Today, our Year 12 Geography students investigated local land use changes in Fitzroy, employing a mix of manual and digital techniques to gather data for their upcoming Fieldwork Report. From soundscapes, a pedestrian flow count, and traffic survey to an environmental quality survey and community interviews, they explored various sites and engaged with the community.

MONDAY 13 MAY 2024 

NATIONAL CAREERS WEEK ||This week is National Careers Week! Career education is an essential part of what students receive at our school, led by our Careers Team. It prepares them for the big learning, work and life decisions ahead, to be ready for changes in the Victorian economy, and capable of navigating transitions in their professional lives.

If you have any questions about our careers program, please speak to Ms Stephanie Martin, Mr Jack Crameri or Ms Andy Farrow.

MONDAY 13 MAY 2024

SNAPSHOT DAY || Today, our talented Year 9 & 10 Snapshot students ventured out to tourist spots and landmarks, snapping away for their upcoming PBL project where they are creating tourism campaign material.


GETTING A HEAD START || Ludi R, a VCE Vocational Major student, is diving into her Hairdressing Apprenticeship at Tok Hair Studio! Thanks to Head Start for paving the way for on-the-job training while completing Year 12. More on this great initiative at: headstart.prsc.vic.edu.au 

TUESDAY 14 MAY 2024 

HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY || Our students took the House Cross Country Trials in their stride this morning. Congratulations to all participants and a special shout-out to those advancing to the next level of the competition!


OUR IT GENIUSES || Shout-out to our outstanding IT Team at the Genius Bar! They assist students and staff alike with their tech needs each and every day. And a warm welcome to our newest member, Reuben (2023 alumnus) joining the squad! 



BASKETBALL VICTORIA COLLEGE CHAMPIONSHIPS || A very successful day of basketball for our Boys Basketball team who despite battling injuries, reached the Grand Final of the U20 State Qualifiers. A remarkable feat for our young squad of Year 10s and 11s taking on U20 competition. Well done, boys!


CELEBRATING OUR EDUCATION SUPPORT STAFF || A heartfelt thank you to our amazing school Education Support staff (not all pictured)! Your dedication and hard work make our school a better place every day. Happy ES Day!


STRINGFEST 2024 || A wonderful musical journey at McKinnon Secondary College today as our talented Instrumental Music students, led by the incredible conductor Amberley Bremner, immersed themselves in the magic of Stringfest! From intensive training to networking with fellow musicians, it was a day filled with musical enrichment and camaraderie. 


DOUBLE DEBATING VICTORY! || Last night, both our debating teams displayed remarkable prowess and secured victories over McKinnon! Huge congratulations to Gemma H and Lucy K for earning the 'Best Speaker' title!

Lucy K
Gemma H
Lucy K
Gemma H

FRIDAY 17 MAY 2024

IDAHOBIT DAY || Today we join the wider community in celebrating IDAHOBIT day. Let's embrace diversity, promote inclusivity and work towards a world free from discrimination.

FRIDAY 17 MAY 2024

ART SHOW – 27 JUNE (5.30 – 7.00PM) || Join us for a celebration of creativity at our upcoming Art Show! Featuring a diverse range of vibrant works from Beaumaris Secondary College Year 7 & 8 students, as well as Year 4 – 6 students from our local primary schools, this event offers a wonderful opportunity to connect and appreciate art together. 

FRIDAY 17 MAY 2024

SENIOR ROUND ROBIN || A great day of sport for our senior netball, soccer, badminton, hockey and AFL teams yesterday! Special shout-out to our senior boys AFL team for their victory! Also, huge props to our mixed hockey team for their impressive wins and hard-fought final, and to our girls soccer team for making it to the grand final! Well done to all teams for their effort and representing Beaumaris Secondary College with pride!

FRIDAY 17 MAY 2024

INDUSTRY TALKS || Our students had an inspiring week, exploring diverse career paths during our Careers Week lunchtime talks! From Project Management, Pharmaceutical Science, Business and Finance to Paediatrics, Allied Health, Photography and Victoria Police, our guest speakers shared invaluable insights. Huge thanks to Pascal Hickey, Stephen Burroughs, Dr Melinda Norris, Kerry Dunse, Liz Hatton, Alan Moyle, Dr Rebecca Waring, Allison Rando, Dr Gehan Roberts, Stephen Hughes and Grant Lewis for their time and expertise! Thanks also to Kavi Dias from Monash University who spoke to our Year 12 students during their ‘Beyond’ session.

FRIDAY 17 MAY 2024

UNLOCKING MINDS AT QUANTUM VICTORIA || Our Year 7 & 8 High Abilities Wider Knowledge (HAWK) students embarked on an exhilarating escape room adventure today at Quantum Victoria! This immersive experience is tailored to sharpen problem-solving and teamwork skills, perfect for our high-ability learners. The students were amazing, although Ms Casley and Mr Ardi managed to outwit them in one of the three escape rooms! And to top it off, we have just received an email from Quantum praising our students and inviting us back for an even more challenging workshop! Well done, HAWK team! 

MONDAY 20 MAY 2024

KINDERGARTEN ADVENTURES || Our Year 11 English Language classes are embarking on a fascinating journey into language acquisition! As part of their Area of Study, they're visiting Jack & Jill Kindergarten this week to engage with the 3 & 4-year-olds. With tailored questions in hand, they're delving into the world of child language development, crafting meaningful conversations and taking insightful notes on their observations. It's not just an academic endeavour; it's a nostalgic trip for some, revisiting their very own kindergarten or their kindergarten memories! Today's visit was filled with laughter and learning, as our students bonded with the little ones. So much so, that students needed to be reminded to take notes and the kinder students didn’t want them to leave!


VCE MUSIC SOIREE || Last night, our VCE Music students captivated the audience with their musical brilliance and passion. Huge thanks to all performers and attendees, and of course, our amazing instrumental music staff who orchestrated another wonderful event.


COASTAL RESEARCH ADVENTURE || Today, our Year 9 & 10 Sustainable Development students explored Beaumaris Beaches as part of their Coastal Change and Management Unit. They've gathered valuable data for their Term 2 PBL! 


EXPLORE YOUR PATHWAYS || Not sure which study pathway suits you best? From VCE to VCE VM and VPC to VET, there's a pathway suited to your goals and preferences. Your journey, your choice! Find out more below.



Perfect for classroom learners aiming for university with an ATAR.



Blend classroom and real-world learning, ideal for those aiming for TAFE, apprenticeships, a traineeship or full-time work post-Year 12, or considering university after gaining experience in training or work.



By school recommendation only, offering a balance of real-world and classroom education with practical skill development.



Industry-specific learning that can complement any of the above pathways.




PROM ADVENTURE || Our Year 12 Outdoor & Environmental Studies students are currently on a 4-day surfing, hiking and camping adventure at Wilsons Prom. This hands-on experience fosters real-life connections with learning content. They are self-catering and cooking for the duration of the camp, and gearing up for a group BBQ on the final night, where they will source meat from a local butcher!


BAYSPEAK || Big shout-out to our Year 8 stars, Oskar E and Josh V, for representing the college at Bayspeak last night! They were the sole junior division representatives to take up the spontaneous speaking challenge (in addition to their prepared speeches which they presented for judging), and we proudly held the flag as the only government school there. Well done, Oskar and Josh!


YEAR 7s ON THE AIRWAVES! || Anna S and Jack T rocked the airwaves on 88.3 Southern FM this morning! An hour-long show is a great achievement and an incredible opportunity thanks to Southern FM!


DIVISIONAL CROSS COUNTRY || What a display of talent, stamina and determination at yesterday's Divisional Cross Country event! Huge congratulations to our stellar athletes advancing to the Southern Metro Regional Finals: Ada S, Alice S, Amelie D, Angus D, Ava B, Bryce M, Edie D, Eliza M, Eve A, Hobie W, Indi M, James S, Katie G, Kiara M, Lily G, Liv V, Lorna T, Nathan W, Sophia H, Vlad S and Will P. Special shout-out to our 16 girls who won their team event for the race! Go Beauy!