Student News

The Arts






We've been very busy in the Art room over the past few weeks as the senior students work on their Animal Portraits, inspired by the work of Australian artist Tracey Keller. 



Chilli and Nakodah have been learning about printmaking and have created their own prints using various materials, including bubbles, foam, and rubbings. 


During Reconciliation Week, students also learned about some Indigenous artistic techniques and created artworks based on the Creation story of Tiddalick the Frog. 


Sandhurst Arts on Show

On Monday, Laura, Ainsley, and Lindsay, who are part of ASPA (Australian School of Performing Arts), visited us. The ladies helped us rehearse and refine our performance pieces for the upcoming Sandhurst Arts on Show concert. 


This concert will be held on Tuesday, September 10th, at St Francis of the Fields Primary School in Strathfieldsaye. We really appreciate the help and feedback the ASPA ladies provided us with during their visit. The ASPA team will be back for another visit in August, and we look forward to welcoming them back to St Mary's then. 


Junior Maths

Our junior students are eagerly learning about statistics. Students have been surveying their classmates and learning how to represent and analyse their data. These skills are important not only during school but are used in the wider community to help make and justify their decisions. 


Well Done, Junior students!!