Achievements and Results

Northern Star Chess Tournament
Yesterday we had a group of avid chess players compete at the Northern Star Chess Tournament at Keilor Downs College. Our team one won and have qualified for the state finals.
Suzanne Cory at the Volleyball Victoria One Day School Series (May 2024) - State Volleyball Centre Dandenong
Student Account by Aiman Shahriar (C6) And Aarya Pokarel (K8)
On the 1st Of May, the Intermediate Boys, Senior Boys and Senior Girls had their highly anticipated Volleyball Victoria One-Day schools cup all the way in Dandenong. The three teams trained hard in preparation and reaped the rewards of their effort. Their dedication was evident from the early morning bus ride to the State Volleyball Centre, where they would compete in at least four games for the day.
The Senior Girls got the ball rolling with a game against Kew, but it didn't quite go their way. The morning cold and the power of the Kew hitters proved to overwhelm them. But despite this loss, spirits were high and one loss couldn’t stop them from vying for victory. They bounced back, snagging an easy win against St Peter’s, who stood no chance against the Cory girls team. Their immaculate defence, and inspiring determination managed to score them an easy victory. Then came Nossal, and despite their best efforts, they came up short. The sets were extremely close, with the senior girls gaining the upper hand at times. But in the end, the Nossal team got the better of us this time around. But hey, win or lose, they showed heart and teamwork throughout the day and their performance is to be admired.
Our Senior Boys began by playing against St Peter's College - Cranbourne. While they struggled against the cold of an early Melbourne morning, they emerged victorious. Feeling warm and ready to keep the streak going, they got ready for their next game against the toughest school, South Oakleigh College. While South Oakleigh put up an amazing fight, nearly beating the boys in both sets, the SCHS team managed to lock in and shut down even a premiers one player, taking their second victory. The game was ended by a spectacular block from the Cory side. The boys then moved onto Braybrook college. While Braybrook took a set (due to the Suzanne boy’s overconfidence), a little bit of focus and some wise words from their coach Aryius was all it took to finish the game with yet another win. With this outstanding performance in the pool stage, the boys proceeded to the semi finals where they took yet another victory, barely stopping for breath. In finals, SCHS came up once again against the formidable South Oakleigh College. The boys had to fight as hard as they could, pushing themselves to new heights in order to save and score every single point. Through their powerful hits, impenetrable blocks and perfect teamwork, the boys once again emerged victorious. And with that they brought home the gold medal for the VVSC24, having ended up undefeated for the day - only dropping one set in total.
Ultimately, the boys demonstrated the team nature of volleyball. Even though there was a premiers one player on the other side, the team cohesion and chemistry of Suzanne proved to be a formidable force. Six who are strong are stronger.
Since both the boy’s teams showed the result of their valiant efforts by bringing home a medal, they will be advancing to the Volleyball Victoria Schools Cup tournament in July where they will hopefully once again emerge victorious and bring home gold. Good luck to the future volleyball endeavours of these teams and a big thank you to Miss Lam, Mr Haslinger and Aryius for being able to make this happen, from running training to coaching us to supporting us through the entire journey, this would not have been possible without them.
If you want to show your support for the Suzanne Cory Volleyball Team and Club, we will be running a bake sale in the foreseeable future and your support would be greatly appreciated.
The Volleyball Club is set to resume in Week 6 of Term 3 and whether you watched Haikyuu, think you’re the next Kageyama and want to give Volleyball a shot, or you’re a serious athlete looking to join the team and win medals for Suzanne Cory, our Volleyball Club is for everyone and we hope to see you there.
Student Account by Arthur Mao (R1)
On the morning of the 1st of May, the Intermediate Boys, Senior Boys and Senior Birls gathered in front of our school to compete in the highly awaited Volleyball Victoria One Day School Series tournament at the State Volleyball Centre all the way in Dandenong. Despite their freezing fingers and hands, they took home a cruisy victory against St Francis Xavier College. The streak continued into the following game against Maffra Secondary College, where our boys added yet another victory to the tally. Our following game against Cheltenham College was no different, smashing the opposition 2-0. The team then took a break to recover from the constant jumping, running, and swinging to spectate the Senior Boys and Girls as well as refuelling with food.
With the streak going strong, the team felt like they were invincible. But they were taught the deadliness of underestimation against our next game, Balwyn High. Our team had a tough first set, where they realised that this wasn’t like a walk in the park like our previous games, but a tough hike up a seemingly endless mountain. The second set was much tighter, as the boys fought their hardest. Despite our attempts, the Intermediate Boys were shut down. Following this devastating defeat, they thought that this was the end of the line, but it occurred that there was one more game for us to fight for bronze. This was against Parade College, where they won on points as there was a time limit. With 4 victories and 1 loss, taking home the bronze medal of VVSC24. The boys proved that they were a more than formidable force to be reckoned with, a warning flare in the dark sky to the other schools for our next tournament, the Volleyball Victoria Schools Cup in July.
Senior Girls Hockey
The Senior Girls’ Hockey team smashed their way through to the regionals on 19/04. We started off the first game with great enthusiasm, pushing strong attacks and holding a great defence. Even as it began to rain, the team pulled through resulting with a score of 3-nil.The second match against Tarneit Senior proved to be more intense, with the back-to-back rounds taking a toll on our stamina. In the first half, we secured a 2-nil lead despite our competition's considerable defence.
However, they began catching up on us with a score of3-2 in the second half. Yet, in an almost movie-like scenario, our team pulled a glorious last-minute goal, securing us a triumphant 4-2 win. Overall, the senior girl’s hockey team showed amazing skill and effort even in subpar conditions, proudly representing the school values of aspiration and contribution in a sporting context. We will continue to train hard for regionals!!
Wyndham Division Senior Boys Hockey
Student Account by Rama G. B8, Team Vice-Captain
Hey newsletter enthusiasts!
On the 19th of April, the senior boys and girls hockey teams played their Wyndham Division games to secure their spots in this year’s Western Metro Regionals.
The senior boys team had to face the allegedly mighty Manor Lakes. It resulted in a 4-0 victory for Suzanne Cory. Our beloved captain, Srikar, led us by scoring a whimsical hat trick, solidifying himself as one who aspires, contributes, and respects. Om put another goal in from the wing.
The defence, consisting of Tej and Nubaid, and Devesh between the posts, didn’t have much trouble in their D as the ball was almost always in our attacking half.
The midfield maestros controlled the game from the middle, with Abhijit deftly distributing the ball from centre half. The front of the formation pushed forward and constantly attacked the D.
Overall it was a great opportunity to display the hard work we’ve put in over the years; the senior boys hockey team has come a long way from scoring one goal at Regionals just a few years back to challenging and winning against teams at Division and Metro Regional level.
As always, there’s more to come in Metro Regionals but for now I’ll be signing off.
Goalkeeper: Devesh
Full Backs: Tej, Nubaid
Midfielders: Abhijit, Adi ,Suhaan, Rama
Forward Line: Mahin, Aksh, Om, Srikar, Martin, Rama
Coach: Ms Fenby