House Leader Reports

Blackwood ♞
We’re halfway through our second term, and we’ve already begun with a bang!
Being in the midst of our phenomenal choral performances was absolutely electric, and the effort you all put into our mass singing made for an unparalleled atmosphere!
First, a message from Caitlin:
Hi Blackwood,
I'm sure you've all heard enough from me so I'll keep it short. I'm so proud of all of your incredible achievements over the last term and a bit, which could not have happened without all of your hard-work during those gruelling house assemblies and homegroups. For our Yr 12ves, I hope we've made your last chorals memorable and one you'll take pride in. For my team, I've said this before but I genuinely have appreciated every single one of you and couldn't have asked for better people to work with.
signing off for the last time,
your chorals captain.
We also wanna shout out our ensemble members, who gave up their lunchtimes for an honourable cause. Damn right they left us feeling good!
Since our last update, we've had an eventful end of term 1 and a wonderful kick-off to term 2 for our weekly homegroup competitions!
These homegroup competitions aim to help connect the year levels in our vertical homegroup structure, and allow them to interact more.
Our goal is to have a theme for each week. So far, we've had a spelling bee (English), some mathematical short answer problems (Maths), Globle (Humanities/ Geography), Guess The Song (Music), Periodic Table Blooket (Chemistry) and a paper chain making competition!
Our current standings right now are - B4 in first place with a total of 145 points, B7 in second place with a total of 132 points and B6 with a total of 112 points.
Remember, the winning homegroup gets a pizza party at the end of the term 😉😉
Lastly, even though we’re still second, there’s plenty of opportunities to gain house points in the second half of this year. Whether it’s through House dance, drama or art, keep on pushing and bringing that energy. The cup is still in sight 😎!
Bring that spirit Blackwood 💪
Knight to Knight (together we fight)
Your leadership team!
Term 2 has only just started, but it's official: We’ve Secured The ThreePeat🥳🥳!!
At the start of the year, when everyone thought we were just blowing smoke on going three-for-three, all of you guys proved them wrong. The raw energy we brought during chorals was the greatest we’ve seen yet, and the entire leadership team is so proud of your efforts in singing and supporting our chorals acts.
But obviously, who better to hear this from than our esteemed chorals captain, who has dedicated crazy long hours to securing our three-for-three!!
Chorals is over, but it will forever be ingrained in my memory as the time we as a house worked together to secure the win. What was most significant as my time as your chorals captain was seeing everything come together, seeing our performers early in the morning or until 5pm in the afternoon working hard to put our best music forward. I remember the joyous times at rehearsals (sometimes low in energy) that I’ve now come to miss. Though long hours were spent shaping these performances, seeing your faces, whether it was in a small group or in mass singing truly made it worthwhile. So I’d like to say thank you to every single one of you. I’m very proud to be your Chorals captain and I’m very appreciative of all of you for listening to feedback and putting in effort. You should all be proud of the results, I could have never done it without you. Let's keep up this effort for the rest of the year!
- Dinda (K7)🐉🔥💪
Last month, we saw an absolutely crazy amount of you all take part in the Premier’s Active April challenge, which has us logging the times we take part in physical activity throughout the month in exchange for house points. This year, we saw an absolutely absurd amount of us Kororoitians get involved and log in incredible times.Though although this time Rothwell did manage to nab first place away from us, we are still all so proud of all the effort we’ve seen you all put in!!
But we also can’t forget about taking home Cross Country, where you all ran a 3km course from Federation Trail for house points. To put it simply, we absolutely killed this one too! - securing yet another first place for the house😋
Even with the big three done and dusted, we cannot forget our other important, and obviously exciting, upcoming events of house dance, house art, and house drama!!! By the time this newsletter is published, house dance will be completed by our greatest dancers in Kororoit. We hope that you all gave your greatest support to not only the dancers, but to our amazing arts captain, Jasmine, for organising house dance and also upcoming ones. For those signed up for house art, remember to finish your artworks on “Transformations” by the week 8 deadline!!!! As for house drama, which is steadily creeping upon us, don’t be afraid to sign up!!! Whether you’re signing up for the devised, scripted, production, or backstage crew, don’t be afraid to try out new things! You never know if you have a hidden talent in the arts until you try 😎!
Last but not least, we are starting our first year of the Interhouse competition! The Interhouse competition is a time to have fun with your other house counterparts and participate in strangely fun activities 😁! Be sure to get involved, and mostly importantly, have fun!!
Looking more forward to taking more events (#humble 🥱😋),
Your leadership team 🐉
This first third of the year was truly one of the best first thirds of the year we’ve ever had.
Right off the bat, we know our chorals result may have been disappointing for some of us, but honestly it was absolutely incredible in the auditorium during mass singing. Mr Kelly said it, Rothwell leadership said it, but it never hurts to hear it again "the atmosphere in the auditorium when everyone was singing those mass songs and just having fun and enjoying themselves was a reward in itself!" Aside from our mass singing, a massive credit goes to our instrumental ensemble, rock band, and small choir, who all sounded absolutely amazing.
And of course, a massive credit goes to Mandy 🐐, who spent a long, long time getting Rothwell’s music together, we certainly couldn’t have done it without her!
As we enter the second half of the school year, it’s important to remember that the race for the house cup isn't over! We still have at least 12 entire house events to go through, like house drama or sport, which anyone can (and will) get involved in, and any good result can boost our position, so keep up the Rothwell spirit we know and love <3 I mean, after all, since the house cup is really about making school more than just our academic achievements, maybe the real victories were the friends we made along the way..?
Finally, and in all seriousness, whether it’s a house event or your sacs and assignments, make sure you prioritise your wellbeing and try not to be too stressed! Obviously, that’s easier said than done, so feel free to contact anyone on our leadership team if you need anything, that’s what we’re really here for :)
Keep fighting Rothwell🦅💥,
Malakai and Anjali
We’re now almost halfway into term 2, with a lot behind us and more to come!
Recently we had our annual chorals competition. We had some absolutely amazing performances; especially the Cottrell Choir, Rock Band and Instrumental Drum Line. We cannot thank all these people enough for sacrificing many recesses and lunchtimes in order to rehearse and practise for the big day.
We also cannot forget to mention the mass singing. Each person in the house sang What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction as well as Coming Home by Sheppard extremely loud and we could feel the house pride radiating from each and every one of you. And, of course, a special thank you to Srinidhi for being our chorals captain who put countless hours of effort behind the scenes organising ensembles and leading rehearsals into the lead-up to chorals.
Although we did not receive the results we expected, the entire leadership team is still so proud of everyone’s efforts and we are always so grateful for all of your consistent participation within the house program.
Although the major events have come to an end for the year there are still many different house competitions (and house points to win!) throughout the year. House Dance, House Art and House Drama just to name a few.
We encourage you all to participate and get us a few more house points before the end of the year 💪🏻. Love you guys!
Your house captains,
Khathab Sheefer (C5) and Lilliana Carroll (C4).