Positive Behaviour for Learning

Every child has the right to learn and every teacher has the right to teach. 

Congratulations to the PBL winners from last week: 

Jude (Prep) Flynn (Yr 3) Noah (Yr 5).  

Well done!

        Lesson Plan: Using the toilets safely and respectfully


Step 1: List Learning Intentions and Success Criteria


We are learning to: use the toilets in a quiet, safe and respectful manner.


It will look like students:

Walking, keeping left and keeping quiet when  moving through the school to go to the toilet

Asking permission and go with a buddy

Going to the toilet, flushing, and then washing and drying  hands (flush, wash, dry, goodbye)

Waiting quietly if there are other children using the toilets before you

Respecting the toilet facilities (toilet, toilet seats, toilet paper, hand dryer, soap) by using them properly

Remaining quiet at the toilets so that others are not disturbed in their class 


Step 2:  List a rationale for teaching the behaviour 

Why is it important?


Holy Rosary School Values: Relationships, Respect, Resilience, Integrity, Kindness.


Holy Rosary School Expectations: Safety is our right. Learning is our responsibility. Respect is our way. 


It is important that we go to and use the school toilets in a safe and respectful manner to ensure that facilities are kept clean and ready to use by other students. We also need to ensure that we are being safe ourselves and that we are safe for other people. 

Step 3:  Identify examples and non-examples of the desired behaviour 

What would the behaviour look/sound like?                      


At All times

  • Toilet, flush, wash, dry, goodbye
  • Wait for a free cubicle or for my buddy quietly
  • Use toilet paper in ways that respect our environment
  • Respect other people’s right for privacy
  • Use one pump of liquid soap
  • One person in one cubicle at a time
  • Make sure the toilet has flushed thoroughly before leaving the cubicle
  • Report any non-example behaviour concerns to a teacher
  • Going with a toilet buddy or teacher’s choice. 
  • Using the quickest route without disturbing anyone else  

During Break Times

  • Going to the toilet during lunch breaks or before school

During Learning Times

  • Asking the teacher permission to go to the toilet
  • Walking quietly and safely with a buddy straight to the toilet and straight back without loitering.  This keeps us safe and doesn’t disturb other classes from learning
  • Keeping left and quiet on the way to the toilet and while waiting for a cubicle/urinal


What would the behaviour not look/sound like?


At All Times

  • Talking loudly on the way to the toilets or while waiting at the toilets
  • Running, skipping down the hallway to the toilet
  • Writing on the doors or walls (graffiti)
  • Taking food into the toilet
  • Playing in the toilets or at the entrance to the toilet
  • Throwing toilet paper on the walls/on the ceiling
  • Stuffing toilet paper, toilet paper rolls or food in the toilet or behind the toilet
  • Splashing water on the floor or at others
  • Standing on the toilet seats
  • Not washing and drying hands
  • Switching lights on and off
  • Looking over and under toilet walls
  • Locking the toilet door from the inside and crawling underneath
  • Wasting soap or spreading it in the trough or on the floor
  • Not going to the toilet during break times
  • Going to/from toilets the long way/stopping to play along the way

During Break Times

  • Running on the concrete near the toilet

During Learning Times

  • Running down the hallway to the toilet
  • Wasting learning time to go to the toilet








Michaela, Student Wellbeing Leader