Principal's News

Lady Northcote Camp
Tired but excited Year 3/4 children and staff returned from Lady Northcote Camp last Wednesday afternoon. They had a fabulous time and staff reported that children participated enthusiastically in all of the activities that camp provided and represented Holy Rosary most positively, listening and following expectations at all times. Camps are wonderful opportunities for children to develop their social skills, independence and resilience. We look forward to the next camp for 5/6 students in August. We thank families for preparing their children for camp and the staff who worked with camp staff to provide such a positive experience for our Year 3/4 classes. Many thanks to Andrea, Jenna, Clare, Gemma, JP, Emma, Maria, Antoinette and Ellouise.
First Eucharist
Congratulations to the following children who celebrated their First Eucharist on Saturday evening at Holy Rosary Church. This significant milestone marks an important time in the children’s faith journey. We pray that this special and joyous celebration filled their hearts with joy, and inspired a deeper connection with their faith. May they continue to grow in love and understanding of their Catholic faith so that they may strive to be Jesus to those they meet.
We thank Fr Thang, Sarah, Michaela, Gemma, Clare, JP and Jenna for their support and guidance of the students. We also thank and acknowledge families for their loving guidance and preparation of the children.
Eva Charles Oscar Kieran Liam Aria | Sascha Austin Eva Bea Mikaela Jasmine | Alan Grace Emeleine Banjo Maisie Elle |
Student free day
A reminder that we have a Student Free Day scheduled for this Thursday, 20 June. On this day, staff will work with Michaela, our Wellbeing Leader, on the ways we can continue to promote the mental health of our students as part of our involvement in the Mental Health in Schools Program.
Team Kids will be open if you need to book your child/children. Our school office will be closed.
Staff Changes in Term 3
Jenna has accepted a position in Year 3/4 at St Margaret Mary’s School in Spotswood. 3/4 White will be taught by Ruth Keily and Vicky Smith who are both returning to Holy Rosary from leave. Vicky and Ruth have already been in contact and are delighted to be teaching 3/4 W in partnership. The HR community will miss Jenna and we wish her every happiness in her new position and thank her for her work at Holy Rosary.
On to other very exciting news; we are thrilled to announce that Michaela will be taking Family Leave early in Term 3 for the next 12 months. We congratulate Michaela and James on this wonderful news and wish them every joy and blessing as they await the arrival of their precious baby.
At this time, we have yet to appoint a replacement for Michaela.
Maintenance Updates
The lights in the foyer have recently been updated and replaced with LED. This required a scissor lift so while up there our electrician modified lights so that this will no longer be required.
The seats along the fence line have been replaced and painted.
New cupboards installed in the hall and additional storage under the seats in the under library area.
The gate security now includes TeamKids so the gate can remain locked except at bell times.
Semester One Reports
Reports will be sent to parents via the nForma platform on Friday 21 June at 3:45pm. It is vital that we have all parents’ current email addresses as nForma auto generates emails using the information we have on our system.
Many parents request copies of their children’s reports from the school after the reporting period, however, there are two ways parents can avoid this:
- Download and save your child’s report for your records on your PC.
- Create and save your own password when prompted on the platform, therefore overriding the temporary password issued to you. The temporary password expires and will not let users in from one semester to the next.
Your children have worked hard in the past 6 months to achieve personal goals in all curriculum areas. It’s time to celebrate their accomplishments! Opportunities to discuss your children’s progress can be made by contacting teachers and arranging a time for Wednesday 26 June from 3:20pm - 4.20pm.
St Aloysius Production
Our Year 5 students have been invited to attend ‘High School Musical’ at St Aloysius School next week. This will provide them with a terrific insight into musical performances in readiness for our HR production in 2025. We also hope that it will inspire them to audition for a main role later this year.
Ascent Tying Shoelaces Incursion
On Friday, the children from Prep - Year 2 took part in a 30 minute, highly interactive session where they practised tying shoelaces. Each child was given a ‘shoe’ pencil case to take home so they can perfect their skills. Judging from the excited voices of the children and teachers, we’d say this was well worth the time!
Bully Zero
Here at Holy Rosary, we endeavour to equip children with the necessary skills to be the best they can be. As such, we continue to offer experiences where children can thrive. Recently, every child had the opportunity to participate in age-related sessions to grow and develop friendships, to be safe whilst on the internet and to understand bullying. We used a company called Bully Zero to unpack the following:
Children were provided with information on bullying, the different types of bullying and its impact on people. The children were taught a variety of strategies to help them assess and respond to bullying situations, whilst also identifying and understanding the role of bystanders.
Children were provided with information about cyberbullying and online safety. This includes learning about what cyberbullying is how it can be recognised. It also provided practical opportunities to build skills that help them develop personal strategies to protect themselves online.
The focus of this resilience program is on individual ownership of behaviours through the development of fundamental emotional intelligence of students. Our Year 5/6 children were supported and empowered to recognise the impact of their choices on both themselves and others.
Holy Rosary Sporting Achievements
Congratulations to Enzo in Year 6 who has qualified for the Victorian Youth 13 State Ice Hockey squad. He is currently the youngest in the squad.
Congratulations to Jobe who made the School Sport Victoria (SSV) under 12 boys netball team. He will play in the National Championships in Parkville in September.
Premiers’ Reading Challenge
Well done George for completing the challenge.
Login the Challenge application here
You can continue adding your books to your book list after meeting the Challenge.
Challenge ends on 6 September 2024.