
By Angelique Shmerling

This term, Year 6 learners have been investigating the Inquiry question, ‘How can we ensure our own sustainability?’ They have explored the concepts of ‘survive’ and ‘thrive’ to examine ways in which we can ensure a ‘thriving’ lifestyle in both our local, national and global communities. Investigating earth’s natural resources, learners considered whether these would be available elsewhere in the solar system, making it possible to create societies on other planets. To support their learning, they investigated different planets and created models. These were shared during our Education Week open morning. Learners also deepened their thinking when visiting Scienceworks, where they learnt interesting facts such as:


  • The sun is the largest star and Venus is the hottest planet - Riyon 
  • The sea on earth uses our energy to regulate temperature - Nicole
  • Mercury has water in its crates - Neervi 
  • There is more water on Titan than there is on Earth - Tamanna
  • Ocean water is nearest around the equator - Arham


Learners also investigated how our important resources could be preserved, ensuring a sustainable lifestyle for future generations. Considering Aboriginal Australian perspectives, they discovered that ‘Fire Stick Farming’ was implemented to regenerate vegetation. 


With all this research having been completed, now it is time for learners to begin transferring their learning. In the upcoming weeks, they will consider how they could ensure their own sustainability; whether it be introducing more sustainable practices locally, globally, or perhaps generating another society elsewhere in the solar system!