RE News
Term 2 has been busy and productive, especially for our Middle students and teachers. A massive thank you to the MLA students, teachers and families for your preparation and participation in the Sacrament of First Eucharist.
Faith in Life and Learning in Prep
In Prep, students have been learning about how we belong to the Catholic community and how we can participate in our Faith. They have also explored their ideas about who God is and what God does for his people.
An Italian Prayer
Today we are celebrating Italian Day. During Italian lessons, students learn prayers and hymns in Italian. During whole school masses, Fr Manny will often invite the students to prayer with him in Italian. Not only is this part of our students' learning, but this is also a vital connection to the traditions and heritage of our school and parish Community.
Italian Our Father
Padre Nostro, che sei nei cieli, Sia santificato il tuo nome. Venga il tuo regno, Sia fatta la tua volontá, Come in cielo, così in terra. Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano, E rimetti a noi i nostri debiti Come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori. E non ci indurre in tentazione, Ma liberaci dal male. Amen.
Friday Masses in Term 3
In Term 3, our classes will continue to attend Friday Morning Mass at 9 am in the Church. We warmly invite families to join us at mass.
Week 1 Friday 19/7 | Prep 1 JLA 3 |
Week 2 Friday 26/7 | Prep 2 JLA 2 |
Week 3 Friday 2/8 | JLA 1 |
Week 4 Friday 9/8 | MLA 2 |
Week 5 Friday 16/8 Confirmation | SLA 1, 2 & 3 Then Confirmation Practise after Mass |
Week 6 Friday 23/8 | MLA 3 |
Week 8 Friday 6/9 | MLA 1 |
Week 9 Friday 13/9 | SLA 1, 2 & 3
Have a safe and restful holiday. We are looking forward to another fantastic term of Faith Life and Learning.
Go gently, be well
Kate Hart
RE Leader