Take note

Traffic safety reminder
Our school operates in a busy city environment. We ask for your continued support to ensure the safety of our students by being mindful of our surrounding speed limits, road rules and signage.
Families are reminded that the College has a designated 'Kiss and Go' zone on Harrington Street. We encourage this to be used when students are not accompanied on the grounds by an adult.
It is important that the Kiss and Go zone is not used as a parking area and that time limits are adhered to, so that further traffic congestion is avoided.
Please view our traffic safety information flyer here and take note of our safety reminders.
Junior School | Fire Safety Tasmania visit
A firefighter from the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) is visiting the Junior School for two weeks this term (starting on 17 June) to present a Home Fire Safety Program to Prep to Year 6 students.
Kindergarten students, whilst not receiving a structured lesson, can expect a visit from the firefighter who will leave some free fun activities for the students to complete.
This age-appropriate program is designed to raise fire awareness in children and includes fun in-class activities, videos, activity books, giveaways and a new children's website: www.tfskids.com.au.
Parents and other family members are also encouraged to participate by reading the information and assisting your child with the after-school activities.
The TFS aims to deliver appropriate fire safety education to every primary school child in Tasmania and as part of its ongoing commitment to creating a fire safe Tasmania.
Key fire safety messages include:
- Wake up - Install a smoke alarm in every bedroom
- Plan and practice a home fire escape plan with the whole family
- In a fire crawl low and go, go, go to the nearest exit
- In an emergency call triple zero
- Keep flammable material at least two metres from the heater
- If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop, rock and roll
- Keep matches and lighters away from children
- Cooking - Turn it off before you turn away
- Cool a burn under cold water for at least 20 minutes
- Most house fires can be avoided. Make your home fire safe.
More information for parents, carers and teachers can be found at www.tfseducation.com.au
Winter woolies wanted!
This week the College is running its annual Vinnies Winter Woolies Drive to support those doing it tough this winter.
We encourage all SMC families to consider donating older, unused, or new winter items, including clothing, blankets and sleeping bags, to repurpose to individuals and families in our local community.
Vinnies is also seeking donations of non-perishable food and hygiene items.
Please place donated items in the Vinnies bins which are located outside the Year 11/12 Common Room and organised by House.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.
Senior Drama Production | Cosi
The cast of Cosi is ramping up for opening night, as the finishing touches are being added to costumes, the set and lighting.
Directed by Senior Drama Teacher, Leah Wallace, Cosi will entertain audiences from Friday 7 June to Saturday 8 June at Moonah Art Centre. All members of our community are welcome to attend the performances, which represent the students' mid-year assessment.
So many hours and so much work goes into creating a show of this calibre, and we are blessed to have such creative, talented and hardworking students and staff prepared to put in the time and effort to bring it all to the stage.
We wish our Drama 3 and Theatre Performance students the best of luck for their shows.
Public Holiday: Monday 10 June
Please be reminded that the College will be closed for the King's Birthday Public Holiday this coming Monday 10 June.
School will resume for all students and staff the following day, on Tuesday 11 June.