P&C News 

P&C News 

Wow what a night! There was glory for all the movie stars at our Trivia Night last Saturday night. The event was a huge success due to the support of our whole school community in purchasing tickets, donating prizes, dressing up and buying raffle tickets – a massive team effort! We will let everyone know how much was raised towards the playground as soon as possible. A huge thanks to all the families and businesses who contributed a prize, this really makes this event exciting and without you it wouldn’t be such a success. 


Spellathon Wrap Up!

Congratulations to Prep Red and 1/2 Orange for taking out the recent Spellathon! Prep Red was the class with the highest participation and 1/2 Orange was the class who raised the most amount of money. Total money raised was $6,100 which will go directly to continuing our chaplaincy program and keeping the amazing Chappy Steph and her wellbeing programs at our school. A phenomenal result.


Whats Coming Up?

P&C Meeting

Friday 7 June

Library, 9:00am

No RSVP’S required


School Disco

Friday 14 June (Week 9)

Tickets on sale soon!!


Year 6 Graduation Bake Stall

Monday 17 June (Junior Sports Day) 

9:00am - 11:30am 

Families and students are encouraged to visit the stall and purchase a yummy treat to help support the Year 6's have a wonderful night at their Graduation. If you are a parent of a senior student, we will be needing your help to run the stall, you can sign up via Qkr!



The P&C Executive Team