Learning Across the ELC

ELC Banksia Room and Preschool
Each year, children across Australia come together in libraries, schools, preschools and childcare centre to read the same book at the same time! The book that is chosen each year is written and illustrated by Australians. The event is held to promote the value of reading, literacy and of course the fun of books! National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is an important annual campaign that aims to encourage young children to read and enjoy books as well as teach them the value of literacy.
On Wednesday the children in our ELC enjoyed listening to the storybook ‘Bowerbird Blues’. This picture book from Aura Parker follows the journey of a Satin Bowerbird in search of the colour blue. It's a moving story of longing and connection, that unfolds as the bowerbird's search sends him soaring across the sea, sky and city. He swoops and snatches vibrant treasures for his collection, and soon his bower is a mix of natural and unnatural objects. As the bowerbird collects treasures for his nest, he discovers something even more precious and fulfilling, the power of community. Children talked about their favourite part of the story and were involved in making bird collages and nests.
Ms Natalie Cocca
ELC Teacher