Years 5 & 6

Engineers at Work
Like Santa's little helpers, our young engineers got to work constructing Gingerbread houses. The construction required planning, team work, patience, care and taste testing!
Dunked Museum/Australian Light Horse Collection Visit
On Monday we spent the first part of the day visiting the Dunkeld Museum and Australian Light Horse collection.
The Dunkled Museum has a fantastic collection of artefacts from the local area. Our guide focused on telling us stories about locals who represented Australia in the First and Second World Wars. The Museum kindly donated a book to our library, featuring stories of locals who went away to war.
We then moved on to the Australian Light Horse collection. The students recognised many items they had read about in "War Horse" and had seen when we watched "The Light Horsemen". We got to hold a shovel that was covered in bullet holes, and a sword! We also got to dress up in some Light Horse uniform. In one photo, Mrs Steele is holding a chunk of metal. This is actually 2 bullets that fused together when they collided above the head of an Australian soldier who was digging a trench. The story goes that he heard a sound like a clap above his head, then the melded chunk fell to earth. Absolutely amazing!
Many thanks to Claire Quinn for booking both experiences for us, and helping transport the kids. It was a great way to wind up our text based unit, "War Horse" by Michael Morpurgo.
Mietta's Graduation Lunch
After our Museum visit, we headed to the Bridge Cafe to celebrate Mietta's graduation. We had a lovely lunch. It was wonderful that Mietta's Mum and Dad joined us, and Merryn shouted everyone an ice cream! (Thanks Merryn).
We all wish Mietta the very best for her journey through Secondary School.