Deputy Principal/Learning and Teaching

Welcome Back!

Welcome back and a big welcome to all of our new families!

My name is Eloise Ellis and I am the Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching Leader, Maths Leader and Science Teacher for years 3-6.

There are many wonderful things happening in the Learning and Teaching space at St Michael's, which I would be happy to chat to you about any time. 

I'm looking forward to a wonderful year in our lovely community!

New Nforma Platform

By now, families will have access to the revamped NForma platform, with access to NReports and NMeetings. 

We have now also been given access to NAid, where staff report any medical incidents that your child may have while at school.

In the past, families would have received a print out of the incident, whereas now, an email will be sent towards the end of the school day. 

Please look out for these in your inbox. 

If a student receives a knock to the head, families will still receive a phone call.