Deputy Principal's Message

Welcome to 2025! I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our returning families, our 2025 Kindergarten students and families, and to our new students who are joining us for the first time this year. 

2025 is set to be another great year at Ben Venue. It was wonderful to see the students so motivated to start the new school year and excited to meet their new teacher and classmates on the first day back last week. I wish all Ben Venue families a happy and fulfilling year ahead. 

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)

The 2025 NAPLAN will take place from Wednesday 12 to Monday 24 March.

Students in Years 3 & 5 participate in 4 NAPLAN tests:

  • writing
  • reading
  • conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation)
  • numeracy.

All schools in NSW complete NAPLAN online, with Year 3 students completing the writing test on paper. NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills which students learn through their regular school curriculum. 


The NSW Department of Education expects that all students participate in the assessment program. However, students may be withdrawn from the tests at the request of their parent/carer. Exemption must be discussed with the school principal, Mr Pryce. Please contact the school as soon as possible, if you intend on withdrawing your child or require an exemption from the formal NAPLAN Online assessment.


To find out more about NAPLAN online, please visit the National Assessment Program website, watch the understanding NAPLAN online video clip or click here to access the NAPLAN Online Parent Brochure.

Yellow line after school pick-up

Thank you to all parents/carers for placing a clear name label on your car sun visor. Signs written with a thick, dark texta or large bold text are preferred. This helps to make for an easier pick-up on the yellow line and allows teachers and staff to clearly identify students being collected.

No Stopping Zones

Please be reminded of the No Stopping Zones on either side of the pick-up area at the front of the school. In these zones, cars cannot stop at any point on the road or kerb in the direction of the arrow, except in the case of an emergency. These zones are regularly enforced by traffic officers.


Lana Howlett

Deputy Principal