Dates to Remember
Term 4:
Fri 20th - LAST DAY OF TERM 4 - 1:10pm Dismissal
TERM 1 - 2025:
Wed 5th - Yr 5 BioLAB excursion
Thurs 6th - Yr 5 BioLAB excursion
Mon 10th - Yr 6 Excursion BioCATS
Tues 11th - Grade 2 Discover The Superhero
Mon 17th - Yr 6 Excursion BioCATS
Mon 17th - Fri 21th - Start Right Interview week
Wed 26th - Prep + New Student Photo's
Mon 17th - Division Swimming
Tues 1st - Region Swimming
Wed 2nd - AFLW 9's - Grade 5/6 Girls
Fri 11th - LAST DAY OF TERM 1- 2:10pm DISMISSAL