News from the Deputy Principal

Welcome back to 2025!


I hope you have had an opportunity to spend some quality time with your loved ones and have some time away from home over the Christmas Break!


My holidays were spent at Blairgowrie and on a cruise to New Zealand with my family.  It was wonderful to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful local places and overseas destinations to visit!



For all of our new families welcome to St Joseph's!  St Joseph's is a wonderful community of students, parents and teachers who work together to have the best outcomes for the students.


If you have not met me yet, my name is Katie Vranken. My role this year comprises of Deputy Principal, Learning Diversity Leader and Mental Health in Primary Schools Leader. My office is located adjacent to the school office and my office days are Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 4pm.  If you have any concerns, or would like a chat about how we can best support your child/ren, please make a time to meet with me, along with the classroom teacher.

If you are new to the school or have a child who has been newly diagnosed or currently has a diagnosis please bring along any documents that can support your child in a classroom environment. These can be given directly to me or emailed to me so that we can hold a copy in your child's secure file. It is vital to have reports from specialists so we can review the recommendations and incorporate these into the learning plan for your child.  If your child is having some issues adjusting to routines or school and would like some support or someone to speak to about possible strategies please come and see me. I would love to assist you where possible to help with smooth transitions.


Each year my role is to also support families who have children who are diagnosed or who require educational support at school.  We hold PSGs (Pupil/Parent Support Group Meetings each term to provide feedback on goals that are set for students.  This process is part of NCCD (National Consistent Collection of Data) which is used to support schools for funding. Please read the information in the link below to further understand this process.



In each newsletter, I aim to provide some information and updates about how we can best support families at school.  So please continue to check in with this page to see any new updates.


If you would like to email me any documentation or set up a meeting, please email me at or pop in to make a time with me.


Kind regards and best of luck for the coming term!