Welcome to the 2025 School Year!

I am thrilled to welcome families to an exciting year of learning in the 5/6 classroom. Students have settled in smoothly and have already shown great enthusiasm and engagement in their learning.

This year, we will continue to support students in developing independence, critical thinking, and personal growth. A key focus will also be on fostering meaningful friendships and encouraging respectful, responsible behaviour to create a positive and supportive learning environment.


English: In English, we have launched the new OCHRE program, a comprehensive literacy initiative aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. This program focuses on spelling, word patterns, and vocabulary development, helping students strengthen their reading, writing, and spelling skills. Through daily orthography and word-building activities, they are developing a strong foundation in both narrative and persuasive writing. Currently, students are reading The War Horse and engaging in meaningful discussions and activities to deepen their understanding. They have been exploring themes of resilience, identity, and the impact of war, making connections to history, culture, and their own experiences. It has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and critical thinking as they engage with the text.


Maths: In Mathematics, we are implementing the OCHRE Maths program to support students' learning in line with the Victorian Curriculum. This program focuses on key areas such as Number, Measurement, Shape, and Data, ensuring students develop a strong mathematical foundation. Each lesson begins with a daily review to reinforce key concepts, helping students retain and apply their learning effectively. Through hands-on activities, problem-solving tasks, and direct instruction, students are building confidence and fluency in mathematics. It has been great to see their enthusiasm as they engage with real-world applications, making maths both meaningful and rewarding.


Religious Education: This term, Year 5/6 students have begun studying Unit 1 – People of Prayer. They are exploring the role of prayer in daily life and how it strengthens their relationship with God. As part of their learning, students will reflect on the meaning of formal prayers, like The Lord's Prayer, and examine how prayer provides guidance, comfort, and a deeper connection to their faith. It has been wonderful to see their thoughtful reflections and growing understanding of the importance of prayer.


Auslan - In Term 1, students will learn Auslan signs to enhance their communication in the classroom and with their peers. In Term 1, students will explore topics such as Greetings, Number Handshapes, "What is...?", "I like...", On Time, and "Who?, What?, Where?, and When?". Assessments will be conducted as students progress through each unit to track their understanding and development. The signs learnt throughout each unit will help students express themselves more confidently and communicate effectively in Auslan, both in the classroom and with their peers.


Sport - Students have been actively engaging in Sport and MFA lessons. Throughout the year, they will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of games and sports to further develop their sporting skills. They will explore teamwork while enhancing their skills in athletics, cross country, and a range of other games and sporting activities. It’s exciting to see their enthusiasm and progress in these areas!


Cross Curriculum - This term, the Grade 5/6 class is diving into Economics and Business. Students have begun exploring concepts like needs vs. wants, costs, and various aspects of running a business. The culmination of their learning will be running a Market Stall, where they’ll put their knowledge into practice. Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the end of the term!


We value open communication, and I look forward to working in partnership with families to support each student’s learning journey. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your child’s progress, please feel free to reach out via email at kjamieson@smrushworth.catholic.edu.au.

I'm looking forward to a fantastic year ahead!



Mrs. Jamieson

5/6 Class Teacher