Welcome back to school! We have had a great few weeks settling into our new classes and beginning our new Magnify program. 



In the first week of school we enjoyed playing games like Uno, Spot it and bananagram. We also enjoyed making our own characters that represent our interests and who we are as a person, they all turned out great!! 




This term we will be reading the novel Matilda by Roald Dahl. As a class we have been enjoying listening and reading along as well as doing activities connected to Matilda. 

In maths we have been learning about place value, specifically six-digit numbers. Mrs Morse and Mrs Brook have been really impressed by the way each student has been working towards reading and using numbers in the hundred thousands. 



In religion we are learning about prayer. We started out unit by setting op our class prayer table with significant items such as the prayer candle, a cross, the song bowl and a variety of Indigenous items to connect with Aboriginal spirituality.