Principals Message

Dear families,  


Welcome back to 2025! 

Our school year is off to a great start! It’s been fantastic to see students back in the classroom, ready to learn and reconnect with their peers. Thank you for ensuring your children returned prepared and ready for the year ahead. 


As the new school year begins, we ask all parents to update their child's information in the Parent Access Module (PAM). Keeping accurate records ensures clear communication and the best support for your child's education. 


At St Mary’s, we believe in the power of education to Magnify—every student, every teacher, and our school community every day. Our new learning routines have been successfully implemented and embraced by both students and staff, creating a strong foundation for growth. We look forward to a year of curiosity, progress, and shared success. 




Foundations - great start to 2024 

Our Foundation students have made a fantastic start to their time at St Mary’s, enjoying both classroom learning and playtime with their friends in the school yard. They have settled into classroom learning well and are quickly adapting to the routines and expectations in the classroom. 


Magnify update  

Magnify Sandhurst is a new evidence-based learning and teaching program introduced in Week 1 across all 51 Catholic schools in the Sandhurst Diocese. Designed to support each student’s individual needs, strengths, and goals, the program focuses on improving literacy and numeracy, fostering positive classroom environments, and integrating Catholic values into daily learning. With a strong commitment to improving student outcomes, Magnify Sandhurst ensures every learner is supported and challenged. Guided by the mantra "Every Student, Every Teacher, Every School, Every Day," this program aims to create meaningful and lasting educational growth. 


Key Changes for students 

With Magnify Sandhurst, you will see: 

  • Expanded Literacy and Numeracy Blocks: Students will have increased focused time on literacy and numeracy, particularly in the early years. The curriculum remains aligned with the Victorian Curriculum, ensuring all key components are covered. Targeted support for reading and mathematics will be available at every level. 
  • Structured Curriculum: Teachers will deliver a well-defined and focused curriculum that emphasises core knowledge and skills. At St Mary's, students are engaging with the following programs: 

Foundation – Year 2: InitiaLit (English), Ochre (Mathematics) 

Years 3 – 6: Ochre (English and Mathematics) 

How families can be involved 

Education is a collaborative effort, and we invite families to remain engaged in their child's learning experience with us. 

  • Engage in Learning Conversations: We will provide regular updates on your child’s progress and significant milestones. Our goal is to keep you well-informed and actively involved in your child’s educational journey. 


We are excited to embark on this learning journey and look forward to sharing the experience with you throughout the year. 


Change of Pupil Free Day for 3/4 Camp 

One of our Pupil Free Days for 2025 was originally on Friday 28th November 2025. Due to the Grade 3/4  camp occurring on the Wed 26th – Friday 28th November, we have moved the Pupil Free Day to Monday 24th November (Monday of the same week). Please note this change in your calendars and diaries.  


Welcome Mass & BBQ 

Join us on Friday 21st February, for our Welcome Mass and BBQ! This special event is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together, celebrate the start of a new school year, and warmly welcome our new students and families. 


Fr Indra, our supervising Priest will be officiating the Mass. 


Mass will begin at 12.30pm in St Mary’s Church, with the BBQ following over at school. We welcome everyone to come along – parents, grandparents, friends and community members.  


School Uniform 

Uniform items are available for purchase at Workwear Connect in Kyabram.  

Students are expected to always wear the correct school uniform. Thank you for your cooperation. 


Mr. Ryan – Parental Leave 

As you may know, Mr. Ryan will be on four weeks of parental leave as his family prepares for the arrival of their son. During his absence, our school will remain in great hands with our dedicated St Mary’s staff. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher. 


In the meantime, Mrs. Katherine Jamieson and Mrs. Angela Fiske-Kealy will be stepping in as Acting Principals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to either of them, either by phone (5856 1347) or email Mrs. Jamieson ( or Mrs. Fiske-Kealy (  


NAPLAN (Grade 3 & 5 students) 

From March 12th to 24th, students in Grades 3 and 5 will be completing NAPLAN testing. 

Further details, including the NAPLAN testing timetable, will be shared closer to the dates. 



As you know, our school strives for 95% attendance for all of our students. If a child misses just 10 minutes of school per day, that equates to nearly 6 days per year. Through SIMON Everywhere, we have set up monthly reminder percentages to be generated and sent to families to enable you to monitor your child's attendance.  

In my experience, families often do not realise how much their children have missed unless it is continually monitored. 


As always, please do not hesitate to contact or come and see me if you have any questions or queries.   


God bless you all,  


Katherine Jamieson  

Acting Principal