A Message From Anna
Principal's Report
A Message From Anna
Principal's Report
Carols Night
Being new to Box Hill North Primary School and Kindergarten this year, I had been told that our Carols Night was quite a significant and wonderful event;
I had been told that the community would show up and spread the festive spirit around the school
I had been told that the students would put on a very cute show
I had been told that Santa may make an appearance and spread some magic
I had been told that the PFA would run a delicious BBQ
Despite being told all these things, I actually wasn’t prepared for just how wonderful and magical an event Carols Night would be! Thank you to all who attended with smiles on their faces and tinsel in their hair. Thank you to Kim Pearce for planning and running such a wonderful Performing Arts event for our school community. Thank you to the PFA for facilitating such a great fundraiser and making sure nobody missed out on dinner. Thank you to every student for their groovy moves and costumes and stage smiles and singing! Thank you to all the staff who chose songs, choreographed and rehearsed over and over again with their students, who also attended and boogied along in their Christmas decorations – especially those who made a stage appearance! Thank you to Bri and Jordyn from Kinect2Dance for their choreography and rehearsals with students!
Carols Night has already become my most favourite event at Box Hill North, and I haven’t even seen a Term One or Two yet!
Our brand new fence has finally been installed! The gates and any final touches will be added tomorrow, Friday, leaving us with a very classy school appearance.
A sincere and enormous THANK YOU to all the volunteers, PFA members, fundraising attendees and community members who have contributed to the raising of funds to provide our school with such an improvement. Fundraising over several recent years has contributed to the new fence. Thank you to all of you!
Semester Two Reports
2024 Semester Two Reports will be available for you to access on Compass tomorrow afternoon at 4.00pm.
Our hard working teachers have been very busy over the last several weeks, assessing student achievements and writing detailed comments for each student in our school. A significant amount of thought goes into providing parents with a detailed report on student achievement for the semester. Please take some time over the weekend to sit down with a cuppa and enjoy the thoughtful words that teachers have written about your child/ren. We hope you enjoy celebrating a successful semester with your child.
Mathematics Curriculum 2.0 - Student reporting update
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) recently published its revised mathematics curriculum (Mathematics curriculum 2.0). All Victorian government schools will start using the Mathematics curriculum 2.0 in 2024 or 2025.
At Box Hill North Primary School we are using the revised mathematics curriculum for school reporting from Semester 2 2024.
On your child's previous report, the teacher reported against the 3 strands of the achievement standard for mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability). Under the Mathematics curriculum 2.0, your child’s teacher will report against the achievement standard as a whole, providing a single, aggregated score.
As the achievement standards reported on have changed, the first time you receive a report under the Mathematics 2.0 curriculum, it will only show achievement and not progress. For all reports after this, progress will be shown against the single achievement standard.
The VCAA made these changes to help teachers plan their teaching and learning programs in mathematics, giving them more flexibility to support students to link ideas within mathematics and also with other curriculum areas. For further information, refer to the department’s policy on Reporting Student Achievement and Progress Foundation to 10.
If you have any queries about your child’s report, please contact the school office by phone: 9890 5023 or email: box.hill.north.ps@education.vic.gov.au
School Council
I would like to express my sincere thanks to our School Council members for their commitment to our school. The time and effort dedicated to this role often goes unrecognised and whilst rewarding, can also be challenging. At BHNPSK, we are fortunate to have a wonderful group of people led superbly by our School Council President – Mrs Kathryn Zwalf. Each of our councillors have performed a very important role to support our school purpose and in doing so has made an extremely valuable contribution to the educational outcomes of each of our students.
Students have had a wonderful time (tiring, but wonderful) attending swimming lessons at PLC over the past week. With some of the warmer weather, it has been great timing to attend swimming lessons. Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to attend and provide additional support to staff and students during this time.
Parent Helpers
At Box Hill North Primary School, we benefit significantly from the parents and grandparents of our students who help volunteer for fundraising and keep our school running in a variety of ways – uniform shop, canteen, working bees, School Council, classroom helpers, and much more!
In order to coordinate the smooth-running and organisation of our school events, we will be introducing Year Level Representatives in 2025. Each Year level will have one or two parents to coordinate a range of events throughout the school year. These representatives will make up our Events Committee, which will operate with the support of School Council.
If you are interested in volunteering as Year Level Representative for 2025, please contact the school office as soon as possible. One of the teachers will be in contact with you before the end of the year to provide more information.
This Week’s Assembly – Student Leaders Announced!
Tomorrow morning’s assembly at 9.10am will be a celebration of student leadership!
Tomorrow morning, the following Student Leaders will be announced for 2025!
School Captain x 2
House Captains x 8
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Captain x 4
The process for selecting these leaders has been rigorous, involving written applications, student speeches to their teachers and fellow students and a student vote. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all students who displayed courage and ambition in putting their names forward for a leadership position. I was truly impressed by the calibre of applicants’ applications and speeches.
Final Assembly 2024
Our Final Assembly will be held on Thursday 19th December at 12.30pm on the green. Please join us in farewelling our wonderful Class of 2024 and celebrating the end of year as a school community!
Reminder, school finishes for the year at 1.30pm on Thursday 19th December.
Anna Johnstone