
Dear Parents/Guardians,
With extended school holidays just ahead, we’d like to remind you how important reading is for your child. The extra free time will provide ample opportunity for students to do some sustained reading. Some students complain that books are boring, but the book doesn’t really stand a chance of keeping their interest when it is only picked up to be read a couple of times a week in very short bursts. Reading is like any other skill, with more practice the better you become and reading for sustained periods aids in building concentration spans. Some children need no encouragement to read but others need help with setting aside time. Role modelling is great (so maybe set aside some time to read together) and incentives can also work. Maybe you could introduce the idea that they need to do some reading before they can play computer games, visit You Tube or use social media.
Students can access our eBooks and e-Audiobook collection from home (see instructions below). Alternatively, your local library will have plenty of age-appropriate books available.
Students can access our eBooks and eAudiobooks by using this link: They can also go to SharePoint and click on this icon:
This will take them to the library catalogue. Then look for the ePlatform icon (below):
Students can also access our eBooks and eAudiobooks from the LibGuides homepage. Look for the icon below:
There is also an app available to download to your phone or tablet/iPad so that you can read or listen to books wherever you are. You can borrow eBooks for up to 2 weeks, and eAudiobooks for up to 2 weeks. Click on “Save for later” if you’re not ready to borrow the item yet – this will save them to your “Saved Titles list”.
(The ePlatform dashboard)
On Friday 6th December the library hosted a Christmas/End-of-Year Party for students who participated in library or reading activities throughout the year. We played games such as “Pin the Nose or Tail on Rudolf”, “Throw the Snowball in Santa’s Mouth”, and “Find the Elf”. Prizes such as Dymocks gift cards, candy canes, and chocolates. Everyone looked like they had a great time and we hope this encourages students to continue reading and taking part in library activities!
We wish the students a very happy (and safe) holidays!
See you in the new year!