Assistant Principals Report

The Assistant Principal Team at Belmont High School would like to wish the whole Belmont High School community all the very best for a fantastic summer holiday.
2024 has been an amazing year and it was an incredible privilege to celebrate the achievements of our students at our Awards Night on Tuesday 17th December.
Please check out the amazing Summit magazine for a more detailed summary of the 2024 Highlights.
As we look to 2025, we wish our graduating Year 12 cohort every success as they move into further study or the work force, and we are excited to welcome in the new crop of Year 7’s who were amazing over their orientation days on the 10th- 11th December. They will be the graduating class of 2030! They have already demonstrated the school values of Respect, Opportunity and Resilience.
A big thank you to all those Year 8 & 9 students who helped as buddies and showed the Grade 6’s the ropes, and of course thank you to our amazing teaching and education support staff.
Safe travels to all who are heading away, and we hope you all have the opportunity to rest and recharge for 2025 – see you in the new year!
Meagan McAlpine, Monica Godde, Michael Caccamo, David Ellis