Grade 6 News

This week's newsletter is brought to you by the Grade 6 Public Relations leaders Bella and Charlie alongside a special guests; Kaylee & Phoenix

Important Reminders

  • Government high school acceptance forms are now overdue. Please return them as soon as possible.
  • Thank you for getting the sports uniforms washed and returned. The process will continue across multiple events in Term 4.

Upcoming Dates

December 16th - Scrapbook Open Morning

December 17th - Pool & Movies Excursion

December 18th - Grade 6 Graduation

Thursday, December 19th: Last Assembly 1:00pm 

Thursday, December 19th: Last day of Term. Dismissal at 1:30pm

Friday, December 20th: Curriculum Day - Student Free


Senior School Bike Ride: By Kaylee

Fresh-faced and ready for a ride, the senior school students set off on their bike ride to Wally Tew Reserve. It was one effort to organise 160 students for this adventure. We made sure that we all did our safety checks before we left! We checked our tyres to see if they are pumped and made sure our helmets were ready to go. We set off in 15 different groups but we made sure we all stayed together. In the first 500 metres, we had our first stack of the day! Oh dear. The ride to Wally Tew took about an hour and 15 minutes. Luckily no more accidents. We all played on the playground and oval and had so much fun! Pizza delivery was at 12pm and we made sure we got stuck into the 90 pizzas that were delivered. I don't know about you but I was a little unsure of the 8 "Spicy" pizzas Mr Hicks ordered. Not many people enjoyed those ones! Anyway, time to go home now so off we went. James accidentally left his bag in the toilets so Mrs McElroy had to wait until they unlocked. The ride back was much easier as it was more of a downhill ride. Only one accident to report was on the way back. We arrived home around 2.30 pm. Fantastic day!


Graduation: Wednesday 18th Dec

We are very excited to present the 2024 graduates next week! 


Macs Magic won the Grand Final today by 2 goals, what a super round robin. Thankyou to all the teachers for organising and giving up their lunch times for us to play!


Learning in Action

Literacy: By Bella

Scrapbooking is coming to an end, as is the Grade 6s time at this school. Halo readers, All of us grade 6s have come so far with our scrapbooks; Printing and pasting and cutting. But it’s time to wrap up and show off our scrapbooks to all of our friends and families next Monday (16th of December) on our scrapbook open morning. Each student is going to have a beautiful, colourful, wondrous completed scrapbook. Now Selamat tinggal, dear readers this may be the last time I write the newsletter, So this is Bella Grace signing off,

Aku akan merindukan sekolah ini (You can search up what that means, It’s Indonesian)


Maths:  CHANCE FAIR By Jack

The Grade 6 students have now finished their chance investigations. The "Chance Fair" was held on Wednesday afternoon. At the fair, the students were given tokens and a chance to win more tokens from the games designed by other students. The student's task was to make the games slightly tilted in their favour so that at the end of the event the game they designed would have made them more tokens.

Inquiry: By Jack

Students have finished their projects on what career they would like to learn more about. The projects were completed on either Google or Canva. The information the students collected was on what an individual would have to do to get this job. Eg. What university? What trade or skill? Some other aspects that were researched were job opportunities, where there might be work in the future and what those jobs might look like.


Trivia DAY: By Jack

Today was our Trivia competition.What a fun day indeed! All of the tables had an absolute ripper of a day! Plenty of junk food was eaten, lots of soft drinks also. Another fantastic event the senior school had to finish the year in style! Well done Mr Mac for hosting and Mrs Halstead and Mrs McElroy for organising.


State Hoop Time Report: By Phoenix

On Friday 6th December our Future Stars Hoop Time team ventured to the State Basketball Centre in Wantirna South. Our first game was at 10 am and we were defeated convincingly by a team from Upper Plenty (wherever that is). We fought hard in the second game but lost to a team from the west of Melbourne. Unfortunately in our third game, we had a tie with a team from Warrnambool. It meant our campaign was over and done and dusted. Our team consisted of me, Kohan, Maya, Evie, Zoe, Noah x 2, Jack and Jess. Thanks to Mr Hicks for coming along and special mention to Anthony for scoring. 


Goodbye: From the Public Relations Leaders Charlie, Bella & Jack

Hello, devoted readers. Month after month, term after term, Bella (Me), Charlie and sometimes Jack have worked hard on this newsletter. But our time has come to leave this school and pass the torch to some younger, (Possibly) greater minds. I wish the best to the new leaders and hope this role fulfils them as much as it did me. Sorry, that was dramatic! But seriously I'll miss writing the newsletter each week, I hope you enjoyed this crazy ride readers but alas, Goodbye.

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