Grade 5 News

Important Reminders

Monday 16th December - Passion Projects Open Morning

Tuesday 17th December - Parent Helper Morning Tea

Wednesday 18th December - Class parties: please bring something to share (A-K something sweet, L-Z something savoury)

Thursday 19th December - Last Day of Term (1.30pm dismissal) 

Thank You!

2024 has almost come to an end! Grade 5 staff would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the families for all of your hard work and dedication throughout the year. This year would not have been nearly as magical without your commitment and enthusiasm. We wish you all a happy holiday season, and we will see you again in the New Year!

Passion Project Open Morning

The grade 5 students have all been working hard on their passion projects. These are scrapbook-style projects about a topic of their choice. Students were required to demonstrate the skills they have practised in writing this year by producing a narrative, a persuasive, an information report and a poem about their chosen topic. 



When: Monday, December 16 from 9.05am - 9.45am 

Where: Grade 5 classrooms

Out and about in Grade 5

Here are several events that the Grade 5 students have participated in in the last 2 weeks.

Market Day

Senior School Bike Ride





From the Grade 5 Teachers

Karin Halstead, Ebony Waldron, Chloe McElroy and Zahra Harvey