Over the past three terms Athletes Authority has partnered with McKinnon SC to deliver a Strength & Conditioning program to over 40 students. Participants have covered a range of training elements, including strength & power, speed, functional movement and injury prevention. Students learn how to prepare their body for sport, augmenting their current training programs and develop the confidence to negotiate a gym environment safely.

The program runs every Monday & Friday from 7:15 - 8:15 am out of the McKinnon Rd gym.


The Strength & Conditioning program has been well received, with a mix of age groups, sporting endeavours and genders.


If you are interested in becoming involved, please email Mr Landini.


Damien Landini

Strength & Conditioning Co-ordinator


Regular Chess Club session

Welcome to the 2025 chess season. Come join us for some social or practice games on the Tuesdays at the East Campus (Room V2.6) and on the Wednesdays at the McKinnon Rd Campus (Room A07 & A08). McK Chess Club is totally free for everyone, and no signup is required. Simply show up and play!


For more information, contact: 

  • McKinnon Road Campus: 

    Dr S Law & Mr R Bucher

  • East Campus: 

    Dr I Lelekakis & Mr H Dang

Hope to see you there. Checkmate!!


McK Chess GP Tournament has begun! 

The 2025 McK Chess Grand Prix is a multi-round chess competition in Semester 1. It is run by the McK Chess Club at both the McKinnon Rd and East Campuses and designed for those who want to play chess competitively. 

Qualifying rounds are in Term 1 with the finals to be played in Term 2. This tournament is also a pathway to qualify for the prestigious McK Chess Championship (to be held in Term 3) and to be selected for the school's chess squad. To find out more, go to the official Chess GP website.

 McK Chess Rating (Feb 2025 update)

The current top 10 McK Rated Chess Players:

  1. Aaron Todes               Y11      1514    [KG]

  2. Stanley Luo                 Y11      1408    [QN]

  3. Howie Nguyen           Y12      1384    [QN]

  4. Anh Quan (Alex) Do Y11      1348    [RK]

  5. Rohan Baker               Y12      1194    [BP]

  6. Jonathan Huang        Y10      1192

  7. Mariia Kabakova       Y10      1179

  8. Devin Xie                      Y8        1178

  9. Luka Dodos                 Y10      1160    [PN]

  10. Vibhan Jivanjee          Y11      1153

McK Player’s Titles are in [...].


All students who have played in any tournament organized by the McK Chess Club in the past will be in the McK Chess Rating database. Rating is used for competition seeding, school team’s selection, as well as determining player’s titles. The updated rating list for 2025 can be accessed via this link.

Sandy Law

McK Chess Club