We have had a cracking start in Year 12 Food Studies with students learning about ‘the sensory appreciation of food’, ‘appetite and satiety’ and the ‘digestion, absorption and utilisation of the three macronutrients carbohydrates, protein and fats’ in readiness for their first SAC.
Students put their knowledge of the digestive system to the test by conducting a practical experiment in class by replicating the digestive tract along with its accessory organs. Students began by mashing food using a potato masher to re-enact the mechanical action of the mouth. They then added the various enzymes and gastric juices (coloured water) and moved the food into various containers and through strainers to replicate the various organs of the digestive system and their effects on the food. Students were a little ‘grossed out’ at times, but all in all they enjoyed the learning experience.
Last week all Year 12 Food Studies students were back in the kitchen for their first practical which was ‘Sliders and Slaw’. Students will enjoy many more cooks throughout the year making connections with the theory learnt.
Erene Karabourniotis
Food Teacher 7-12