Students in Year 10 Information Systems have been learning how to convert decimal numbers into Binary and Hexadecimal - then being able to represent these in ASCII and Unicode to represent all the characters on a keyboard. The next Topic is Algorithms, where students learn how to create sequences to help them with their coding by creating flowcharts and Pseudocode.
Mr Russo
ICT, Mathematics and Infomation Systems Teacher
Here is what some of the students have said about 10ISY so far:
So far, in information systems, which is the study of most programming systems, we have already learned binary and hexadecimal code, which are the building blocks for every electronic device, from the microwave to the smartphone to the supercomputer. We have recently moved to algorithms; in the future, we will learn Python, followed by networks. Then, finally, we will do a second programming language of our choice, which most people in my class are very excited about and which a lot of my peers and I enjoy, as working with computers is almost soothing.
Pranav Khanchi, Year 10
Information Systems was one of my lower subject preferences. However, I was initially reluctant to go through with it after being given it as one of my Year 10 electives. But in the end, I chose to keep it, and I do not regret it. So far, we have learned about binary and hexadecimal numbers. Our everyday devices use these simple numerical systems, and it was fascinating to learn how to write numbers and even letters with them. I recommend this subject to anybody who wants to get into IT and coding, as information systems are the base layer for those careers.
Shion Kim, Year 10
My experience in Information Systems has been a great one. Seeing as I plan to pursue a computer job in the future, I decided to select Information Systems as one of my potential subjects last year to learn more about how computers work. So far, I do not regret choosing it. We have learned to convert numbers from binary to hex to decimal and vice versa. This topic fascinated me in particular because I had always been curious about why we used Binary for computers, as I delusionally thought that we would have an easier time using all of the numbers from 1 - 9, as opposed to 0s and 1s, without really understanding how computers used binary numbers to carry out specific functions.
However, once I finally learned about Binary numbers and how they work, I was mind-blown, and all my delusions disappeared as I realised how little I knew about computers. I also learned about Hex, a concept whose existence I wasn't even aware of. I was more interested in converting decimal, Binary and Hex numbers to different types.
Learning how to convert these numbers to others fascinated me. It made me realise how many patterns there were in Binary and how basic math and number patterns played a significant role in how computers worked. I usually don't care much for math, as algebra and drawing graphs tend to bore me, but learning how math is applied in computers was the first time I was ever genuinely interested in numbers.
Overall, information systems are a fascinating subject. If you are interested in computers, I recommend that you choose this subject for future Year 10 students. We are currently learning about algorithms in class, so don't worry - binary and Hex aren't the only things we learn in this class.
Shisir Sajit, Year 10
It’s not too late to participate in the Grok Python Competition. Students who are interested should email hmn@mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au. It is a great opportunity to get started and explore the world of programming.
Learn how to program in Python while you compete with students from around the world! The Beginners stream is designed for students with no prior experience at programming.
The Intermediate stream is designed for students who either have completed the Beginners stream in a previous year, our Introduction to Programming (Python) or Python for Beginners course or have some other prior programming experience.
If you’ve never taken part on the Grok platform before, please email for more information.
Good luck
Ms Mary Ho
ICT Learning Area Manager | VCE and Digital Technologies Teacher