Pastoral Wellbeing

Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS)

Hello to all in our St Mary's community and welcome back to school for 2025. I hope you've all had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday break and are returning refreshed and ready for lots of learning and fun at St Mary's. My name is Carly Bannan and I will be taking on the role of MHiPS (Mental Health in Primary Schools) Leader at our school this year. I thought I'd begin my first newsletter post with a bit of an overview of my role and the MHiPS program. 


What is MHiPS?

The MHiPS project was developed by the Centre for Community Child Health at the Murdoch Children's Research Institute (MCRI), along with partners at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education (MGSE) to help build the capacity of Victorian primary schools to support the mental health and wellbeing of students. 

Throughout the year, staff will participate in training to build the capability of the whole school about mental health and wellbeing (identification, promotion and prevention), provide support to staff to better identify and support students with mental health needs, establish clear pathways for referral for students requiring assessment and intervention, and monitor and evaluate student progress.


More information around the MHiPS program can be found via this link: 


School Chaplain- Franceen Innes 


 Welcome back everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful break and everyone is ready for another exciting year at St Mary's.  One of my roles at St Mary’s is School Chaplain, this involves working closely with the Wellbeing team to plan and deliver student wellbeing services.

What is a Chaplain?

Chaplains care for the social, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being of students and the school community. This support helps students achieve their potential, both academically, spiritually, socially and in their family lives. 


Individual Students

I can see individual students to provide support and strategies to address issues in their lives such as grief, loss, school refusal, family separation, friendship conflict, worry, anxiety or emotional regulation. 


Group Sessions

Friendship Groups-where students participate in an art/craft activity and talk about healthy, positive, lasting friendships and how to deal with conflict.


Seasons For Growth- A grief and loss program focusing on changes that happen throughout our lives and delivers strategies to help with the emotions of these changes.  


Pastoral Care Cooking- When a family is experiencing sickness or loss, students will join with me to prepare and cook a meal to send home to the family.


Alternative Play- Alternative games and activities are offered for students who may not feel up to joining in other games.  


If you would like to speak with me at anytime please phone the office on 54 383 075 or send an email to me at


I look forward to working with you and your child/ren this year.


Franceen Innes