Student News

Back to school
We welcome the students back for the new year at St. Mary’s community. Last Thursday the students were buzzing with excitement as they reunited with their peers and teachers. We are thrilled to see familiar faces, and some new ones. We look forward to what 2025 will have in store for us.
AFL Visit
Tuesday was an exciting day for our students as we had the privilege of being invited to join Inglewood Primary School and Bridgewater Primary School for a special visit from AFL Carlton players during their regional tour.
The players showed off their goal-kicking skills and participated in an engaging Q&A session. During the discussion, the players shared their valuable insights about the importance of teamwork, overcoming setbacks, and the preparation required both before and after games. The players spoke about the importance of teamwork, their setbacks, and preparing for before and after games.
F - 3 Literacy:
Following the MAGNIFY program this year, St Mary's junior unit has commenced the InitiaLit program. Grade 1-3 students are loving the independence that the spelling activities are giving them, with the responsibility of following through their own spelling workbook, whilst working in a small group with the teacher. The Foundation students have begun their first week looking at what a word is and how we can put words into sentences. We have been using a caterpillar to help us count how many words we can use within a sentence.
4-6 Literacy:
Our focus text for the start of this year is "War Horse" by Michael Morpurgo, and we are right into it! Throughout the reading of this text we will be learning to make creative choices about temporal and spatial settings, character profiles and motives to enhance reader engagement. We will experiment with characterisation and include appositives to provide details to nouns and to vary sentence structures suited to text purpose.
"I can't wait to keep reading this book! I am intrigued to find out what happens to the horse when the war starts" - Lucy